Beyond the Case Study Dilemma in Urban Planning: Using a Meta-matrix to Distil Critical Success Factors in Transit-Oriented Development

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date


Subject Area

land use - transit oriented development, policy, planning


Case study, meta-analysis, transportation, landuse, policy, transit-oriented development


Case study is well established as a learning tool and as a research methodology in the field of planning. However, there are a number of barriers to the use of single-case study results in planning practice and research. Meta-analysis is one approach to this case study ‘dilemma’. This article details the use of a meta-matrix in the meta-analysis of 11 case studies of transit-oriented development (TOD) implementation. The meta-matrix has been essential in the identification of 16 critical success factors in TOD implementation. These critical success factors are useful for practising planners and provide a sound basis for further research.


Permission to publish the abstract has been given by Taylor&Francis, copyright remains with them.
