
Submissions from 2024


Extended review of multi-agent solutions to Advanced Public Transportation Systems challenges, Flavien Balbo, René Mandiau, and Mahdi Zargayouna


Benchmarking the efficiency of European metros from a production perspective, Luigi Castagna, António Lobo, Pierluigi Coppola, and António Couto


Evaluating the robustness of attributed dynamic bus-metro networks based on community reconstruction, Shuaiming Chen, Ximing Ji, Haipeng Shao, Jili Ma, and Guodong Hu


Impacts of public transit delays and disruptions on equity seeking groups in Toronto – A time-expanded graph approach, Rick Zhaoju Liu and Amer Shalaby


Bus bunching: a comprehensive review from demand, supply, and decision-making perspectives, Mustafa Rezazada, Neema Nassir, Egemen Tanin, and Avishai (Avi) Ceder


Examining the performance of transit systems in large US metropolitan areas, Matan E. Singer, Aviv L. Cohen-Zada, and Karel Martens


The Road Less Traveled: Does Rail Transit Matter?, Tao Tao, Jason Cao, and Xinyi Wu


Competitiveness of public transit considering travel time reliability: A case study for commuter trips in Hangzhou, China, Guozheng Zhang, Dianhai Wang, Zhengyi Cai, and Jiaqi Zeng


Two-stage control for transfer synchronisation and regularity of subsequent bus line service, Hu Zhang, Shidong Liang, Shengxue He, Pengcheng Yuan, and Jing Zhao


Routing and charging optimization for electric bus operations, Wei Zhang, Jiahui Liu, Kai Wang, and Liang Wang


Handling uncertainty in train timetable rescheduling: A review of the literature and future research directions, Shuguang Zhan, Jiemin Xie, S.C. Wong, Yongqiu Zhu, and Francesco Corman

Submissions from 2023


A variable neighborhood search algorithm for a public bus line with a demand-responsive operation during peak hours, Dilay Aktaş, Kenneth Sörensen, and Pieter Vansteenwegen


Performance of urban rail transit: a review of measures and interdependencies, Farah A. Awad, Daniel J. Graham, Laila AitBihiOuali, and Ramandeep Singh


Similarity-based bus services assignment with capacity constraint for staggered bus stops, Qiaowen Bai and Ghim Ping Ong


Real-time cruising speed design approach for multiline bus systems, Bomin Bian, Ning Zhu, and Qiang Meng


Ridership and Operations Visualization Engine: An Integrated Transit Performance and Passenger Journey Visualization Engine, Nicholas S. Caros, Xiaotong Guo, Anson Stewart, John Attanucci, Nicholas Smith, Dimitris Nioras, Anna Gartsman, and Alissa Zimmer


Multimodal Intersection Signal Timing Considerations Framework, Performance Measures, and Case Study, Burak Cesme, Andrew Hayes, Shuchun Wang, Shannon Warchol, Alice Root, Kush Bhagat, and Nagui Rouphail


Performance classification of Tunisian public transport operators, Ahmed Derbel and Younes Boujelbene


Uncertainty in vulnerability of metro transit networks: A global perspective, Alireza Ermagun, Nazanin Tajik, Fatemeh Janatabadi, and Hani Mahmassani


Analysis of the operational and financial performance of the Addis Ababa municipality-owned public bus transport services, Mulugeta Girma


Optimizing first- and last-mile public transit services leveraging transportation network companies (TNC), Rick Grahn, Sean Qian, and Chris Hendrickson


Cascading failure and recovery of metro–bus double-layer network considering recovery propagation, Xiqian Guo, Qiang Du, Yi Li, Yuqing Zhou, Yalei Wang, Youdan Huang, and Beatriz Martinez-Pastor


Train traffic control in merging stations: A data-driven approach, Ping Huang, Zhongcan Li, Yongqiu Zhu, Chao Wen, and Francesco Corman


The impacts of the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP) on social equity analysis of public transit reliability, Reyhane Javanmard, Jinhyung Lee, Junghwan Kim, Luyu Liu, and Ehab Diab


Examining the association between bus transit reliability and the number of boarding passengers, L. Sravya Jayanthi, Srinivas S. Pulugurtha, and Raunak Mishra


Impact of COVID-19 on Waiting Passenger Distribution on a Bus Rapid Transit Station Platform in Brisbane, Australia, Sewmini Jayatilake and Jonathan M. Bunker


Mixed network DEA models with shared resources for measuring and decomposing performance of public transportation systems, Chao-Chung Kang, Cheng-Min Feng, Ping-Fung Chou, Wann-Ming Wey, and Haider A. Khan


Resolving the accessibility dilemma: Comparing cumulative and gravity-based measures of accessibility in eight Canadian cities, Bogdan Kapatsila, Manuel Santana Palacios, Emily Grisé, and Ahmed El-Geneidy


Bus splitting and bus holding: A new strategy using autonomous modular buses for preventing bus bunching, Zaid Saeed Khan and Mónica Menéndez


Integrated design framework for on-demand transit system based on spatiotemporal mobility patterns, Jeongyun Kim, Sehyun Tak, Jinwoo Lee, and Hwasoo Yeo


A Kriging-based optimization method for meeting point locations to enhance flex-route transit services, Mingyang Li, Jinjun Tang, Jie Zeng, and Helai Huang


Improving the performance of headway control tools by using individual driving speed data, Yerly Martínez-Estupiñan, Felipe Delgado, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Kari E. Watkins


Understanding what elements influence a bus driver to use headway regularity tools: case study of Santiago public transit system, Yerly Martínez-Estupiñan, Felipe Delgado, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Kari E. Watkins


Optimal locations and sizes of layover charging stations for electric buses, Dan McCabe and Xueang (Jeff) Ban


Factors affecting public transport performance due to the COVID-19 outbreak: A worldwide analysis, Anastasia Nikolaidou, Aristomenis Kopsacheilis, Georgios Geogiadis, Theodoros Noutsias, Ioannis Politis, and Ioannis Fyrogenis


Dynamic Bus Lanes Versus Exclusive Bus Lanes: Comprehensive Comparative Analysis of Urban Corridor Performance, Kareem Othman, Amer Shalaby, and Baher Abdulhai


Fixed routing or demand-responsive? Agent-based modelling of autonomous first and last mile services in light-rail systems, Jeppe Rich, Ravi Seshadri, Ali Jamal Jomeh, and Sofus Rasmus Clausen


Train following model for urban rail transit performance analysis, Saeid Saidi, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, Nigel H.M. Wilson, and Jinhua Zhao


Efficient heuristic methods for berth allocation at multi-line, multi-berth curbside bus stops, Minyu Shen, Weihua Gu, Sangen Hu, and Feng Xiao


Exploring the link between regional transportation governance and outcomes: A novel measure of polycentricity in metropolitan public transportation systems, Thomas Skuzinski, David Weinreich, and Carolina Velandia Hernandez


Will the latest British reforms to rail passenger service procurement work?, Andrew S.J. Smith and Chris A. Nash


Development of new railway timetabling rules for increased robustness, Emma Solinen and Carl-William Palmqvist


Critical Role of Docking Bay Assignment in the Performance of a Bus Rapid Transit System, Miguel Ángel Uribe-Laverde and William Fernando Oquendo-Patiño


Measurement of functional resilience of transport network: The case of the Beijing subway network, Junjie Wang, Feixiong Liao, Jianjun Wu, Huijun Sun, Weiping Wang, and Ziyou Gao


Evaluation of transit signal priority at signalized intersections under connected vehicle environment, Tianjia Yang and Wei (David) Fan


Performance evaluation for demand responsive transport services: A two-stage bootstrap-DEA and ordinary least square approach, Barbara T.H. Yen, Corinne Mulley, and Chia-Jung Yeh


Deploying dedicated lanes for connected and autonomous buses in urban transportation networks, Lihui Zhang, Guomin Qian, Ziqi Song, and Dianhai Wang


Analysis of public transit operation efficiency based on multi-source data: A case study in Brisbane, Australia, Xuexuan Zhang and Yong Wu


Quantitative resilience assessment of the network-level metro rail service's responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, Zhipeng Zhang, Hao Chai, and Zhongjie Guo


Joint optimisation of regular and demand-responsive transit services, Jing Zhao, Sicheng Sun, and Oded Cats

Submissions from 2022


Measurement and classification of transit delays using GTFS-RT data, Zack Aemmer, Andisheh Ranjbari, and Don MacKenzie


Ridesharing and fleet sizing for On-Demand Multimodal Transit Systems, Ramon Auad-Perez and Pascal Van Hentenryck


Mapping of bus travel time to traffic stream travel time using econometric modeling, Sharmili Banik, Lelitha Vanajakshi, and Darcy M. Bullock


Evaluation of the techno-economic performance of battery electric buses: Case study of a bus line in paris, Hussein Basma, Marc Haddad, Charbel Mansour, Maroun Nemer, and Pascal Stabat


Towards renewable public transport: Mining the performance of electric buses using solar-radiation as an auxiliary power source, Haoqian Chen, Yi Sui, Wen-long Shang, Rencheng Sun, Zhiheng Chen, Changying Wang, Chunjia Han, Yuqian Zhang, and Haoran Zhang


Passenger-oriented traffic management integrating perimeter control and regional bus service frequency setting using 3D-pMFD, Saifei Chen, Hui Fu, Naiqi Wu, Yefei Wang, and Yan Qiao


Network-level control of heterogeneous automated traffic guaranteeing bus priority, Xiangdong Chen, Xi Lin, Meng Li, and Fang He


Linking Incidents to Customers (LINC): An Algorithm for Linking Incidents to Rail Customer Delays Inspired by Traffic Flow Theory, Michael Eichler


Identifying and visualizing operational bottlenecks and Quick win opportunities for improving bus performance in public transport systems, Francisco Garrido-Valenzuela, Diego Cruz, Marina Dragicevic, Alejandro Schmidt, Jaime Moya, Sebastián Tamblay, Juan C. Herrera, and Juan C. Muñoz


Traffic Micro-Simulation-Based Evaluation of Bus Priority With Queue Jump Lane on an Urban Corridor With Heterogeneous Traffic Operations, Tamojit Ghosh, Kinjal Bhattacharyya, and Bhargab Maitra


Importance performance analysis for evaluating city bus service quality in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Mulugeta Girma, Berhanu Woldetensae, Gebrechristos Nuriye, and Tebarek Lika


Subline frequency setting for autonomous minibusses under demand uncertainty, K. Gkiotsalitis, M. Schmidt, and E. van der Hurk


Covid-19 lightening the load factor in railway transport: Performance analysis in the north-west area of Milan, Daniele Grechi and Matilde Ceron


The intercity railway connections in China: A comparative analysis of high-speed train and conventional train services, Yan Huang and Huiming Zong


Exploring the frequency of public transport use among adolescents: a study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Muhammad Zudhy Irawan, Faza Fawzan Bastarianto, Muhamad Rizki, Prawira Fajarindra Belgiawan, and Tri Basuki Joewono


A system-optimum approach for bus lanes dynamically activated by road traffic, Aikaterini Kampouri, Ioannis Politis, and Georgios Georgiadis


Efficiencies of the urban railway lines incorporating financial performance and in-vehicle congestion in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Yiping Le, Minami Oka, and Hironori Kato


Optimal pricing and investment in a multi-modal city — Introducing a macroscopic network design problem based on the MFD, Allister Loder, Michiel C.J. Bliemer, and Kay W. Axhausen


Deep reinforcement learning for transit signal priority in a connected environment, Meng Long, Xiexin Zou, Yue Zhou, and Edward Chung


Passenger-oriented traffic control for rail networks: An optimization model considering crowding effects on passenger choices and train operations, Xiaojie Luan and Francesco Corman


Estimating the robustness of public transport schedules using machine learning, Matthias Müller-Hannemann, Ralf Rückert, Alexander Schiewe, and Anita Schöbel


Operation performance of tram lanes with intermittent priority with the coexistence of regular and automatic vehicles, Dongxiu Ou, Ran Liu, Iftikhar Rasheed, Lijuan Shi, and Hongming Li


Impact analysis of actual traveling performance on bus passenger’s perception and satisfaction, Rui Rong, Lishan Liu, Ning Jia, and Shoufeng Ma


Measuring transit accessibility: A dispersion factor to recognise the spatial distribution of accessible opportunities, Samal Hama Salih and Jinwoo (Brian) Lee


Flexible train capacity allocation for an overcrowded metro line: A new passenger flow control approach, Jungang Shi, Tan Qin, Lixing Yang, Xiaofang Xiao, Junhua Guo, Yong Shen, and Housheng Zhou


Machine learning techniques to predict reactionary delays and other associated key performance indicators on British railway network, Panukorn Taleongpong, Simon Hu, Zhoutong Jiang, Chao Wu, Sunday Popo-Ola, and Ke Han


A simulation-optimization framework for traffic disturbance recovery in metro systems, M. L. Tessitore, M. Samà, A. D’Ariano, L. Hélouet, and D. Pacciarelli


Planning for modular-vehicle transit service system: Model formulation and solution methods, Qingyun Tian, Yun Hui Lin, David Z.W. Wang, and Yang Liu


How does the weather affect public transit ridership? A model with weather-passenger variations, Ming Wei


Joint optimization of timetabling, vehicle scheduling, and ride-matching in a flexible multi-type shuttle bus system, Mian Wu, Chunhui Yu, Wanjing Ma, Kun An, and Zhihua Zhong


Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of a Cooperative Dynamic Bus Lane System With Connected Vehicles, Meng Xie, Michael Winsor, Tao Ma, Andreas Rau, Fritz Busch, and Constantinos Antoniou

Submissions from 2021


Design and operation of feeder systems in the era of automated and electric buses, Hugo Badia and Erik Jenelius


Understanding the influence of a downstream-side bus stop on saturation flows at an isolated junction, Chandra Balijepalli and Dennis Alima


Bus crash risk evaluation: An adjusted framework and its application in a real network, Benedetto Barabino, Michela Bonera, Giulio Maternini, Alessandro Olivo, and Fabio Porcu


Efficiency Based Evaluation of Public Transport and Paratransit Systems with a View to Integrating Transportation, Nandan H. Dawda, Hardik Gajera, Gaurang J. Joshi, Shriniwas S. Arkatkar, and Sanjay Kumar M. Dave


Analysis of dependency and importance of key indicators for railway sustainability monitoring: A new integrated approach with DEA and Pearson correlation, Boban Djordjević, Ajinkya Sadashiv Mane, and Evelin Krmac


Operation of transit corridors served by two routes: Physical design, synchronization, and control strategies, Miquel Estrada, Josep Mension, and Miquel Salicrú


A large neighborhood search algorithm to optimize a demand-responsive feeder service, Bryan David Galarza Montenegro, Kenneth Sörensen, and Pieter Vansteenwegen


Calculating conditional passenger travel time distributions in mixed schedule- and frequency-based public transport networks using Markov chains, Clara Brimnes Gardner, Sara Dorthea Nielsen, Morten Eltved, Thomas Kjær Rasmussen, Otto Anker Nielsen, and Bo Friis Nielsen


Stop-skipping in rolling horizons, Konstantinos Gkiotsalitis


Does the measured performance of bus operators depend on the index chosen to assess reliability in contracts? An analysis of bus headway variability, Javiera Godachevich and Alejandro Tirachini


Improving the performance of first- and last-mile mobility services through transit coordination, real-time demand prediction, advanced reservations, and trip prioritization, Rick Grahn, Sean Qian, and Chris Hendrickson


Incorporating Practical Degree of Saturation in Capacity Estimation of On-Street, Mid-Block, Off-Line Bus Stops, Faheema Hisham, Jonathan M. Bunker, and Ashish Bhaskar


Demand-responsive passenger flow control strategies for metro networks considering service fairness and passengers’ behavioural responses, Ning Huan, Enjian Yao, and Jinmeng Zhang


Assessing the Bus Bridging Effectiveness on the Operational Resilience of the Subway Service in Toronto, Alaa Itani and Amer Shalaby


Assessing and Predicting Mobility Improvement of Integrating Bike-Sharing into Multimodal Public Transport Systems, Christian Kapuku, Seung-Young Kho, Dong-Kyu Kim, and Shin-Hyung Cho


Relative Mobility Analysis of a Public Transport Network in Comparison with Car Travel, Ronny Kutadinata, Subhrasankha Dey, and Dickson Leow


A holding control strategy for diverging bus lines, Georgios Laskaris, Oded Cats, Erik Jenelius, Marco Rinaldi, and Francesco Viti


Railway capacity estimation considering vehicle circulation: Integrated timetable and vehicles scheduling on hybrid time-space networks, Zhengwen Liao, Haiying Li, Jianrui Miao, and Francesco Corman


Optimizing electric bus charging infrastructure considering power matching and seasonality, Xiaohan Liu, Xiaobo Qu, and Xiaolei Ma