Submissions from 2016
Changes to commute mode: The role of life events, spatial context and environmental attitude, Ben Clark, Kiron Chatterjee, and Steve Melia
Shared Mobility and the Transformation of Public Transit, Sharon Feigon and Colin Murphy
Empirical analysis and comparisons about time-allocation patterns across segments based on mode-specific preferences, Xuemei Fu and Zhicai Juan
Impact of information intervention on travel mode choice of urban residents with different goal frames: A controlled trial in Xuzhou, China, Jichao Geng, Ruyin Long, and Hong Chen
Planning for Bike Share Connectivity to Rail Transit, Greg P. Griffin and Ipek N. Sener
Effects of metro transit on the ownership of mobility instruments in Xi’an, China, Xiaoyan Huang, Jason (Xinyu) Cao, Jiangbin Yin, and Xiaoshu Cao
Characterisation of and reflections on the synergy of bicycles and public transport, R. Kager, L. Bertolini, and M. Te Brömmelstroet
Moving between mobility cultures: what affects the travel behavior of new residents?, Thomas Klinger and Martin Lanzendorf
Bicycle-based transit-oriented development as an alternative to overcome the criticisms of the conventional transit-oriented development, Jaeyeong Lee, Keechoo Choi, and Yountaik Leem
It’s a Matter of Time Assessment of Additional Time Budgeted for Commuting to McGill University Across Modes, Charis Loong and Ahmed El-Geneidy
Influence of Socio-Demography and Operating Streetscape on Last-Mile Mode Choice, M. Meng, P. P. Koh, and Y. D. Wong
Evaluating how cycle-bus integration could contribute to “sustainable” transport, Lake Sagaris and Anvita Arora
Long-term impact of network access to bike facilities and public transit stations on housing sales prices in Portland, Oregon, Timothy F. Welch, Steven R. Gehrke, and Fangru Wang
Preferences of travellers for using automated vehicles as last mile public transport of multimodal train trips, Menno D. Yap, Gonçalo Correia, and Bart van Arem
Shifting from Metro to Sustainable Surface Modes for Short-Distance Travel, John Zacharias and Xuwen Li
Submissions from 2015
The multimodal majority? Driving, walking, cycling, and public transportation use among American adults, Ralph Buehler and Andrea Hamre
How satisfying is the Scale for Travel Satisfaction?, Jonas De Vos, Tim Schwanen, Veronique Van Acker, and Frank Witlox
Public Transit Catchment Areas The Curious Case of Cycle-Transit Users, Bradley J. Flamm and Charles R. Rivasplata
Sustainable transportation infrastructure investments and mode share changes: A 20-year background of Boulder, Colorado, Alejandro Henao, Daniel Piatkowski, Kara S. Luckey, Krista Nordback, Wesley E. Marshall, and Kevin J. Krizek
Bicycle Sharing and Public Transit: Does Capital Bikeshare Affect Metrorail Ridership in Washington, D.C.?, Ting Ma, Chao Liu, and Sevgi Erdoğan
Are we there yet? Trip duration and mood during travel, Eric A. Morris and Erick Guerra
Light Rail Transit Urban Insertion and Safety European Experience, Margarita Novales, Manuel Teixeira, and Laetitia Fontaine
Stranding Cycling Transit Users on Los Angeles’ Orange Line Bus Rapid Transit, Craig T. Olwert, Jose Tchopourian, Vicente O. Arellano, and Mintesnot G. Woldeamanuel
Are Park-and-Rides Saving the Environment or Just Saving Parking Costs? Case Study of Denver, Colorado, Light Rail System, Lisa C. Truong and Wesley E. Marshall
Case Study of Transit–Bicycle Integration: Openbaar Vervoer-fiets (Public Transport–Bike) (OV-Fiets), Natalie Villwock-Witte and Lotte van Grol
Evaluation of the Safe Routes to Transit Program in California, David Weinzimmer, Rebecca L. Sanders, Heidi Dittrich, and Jill F. Cooper
Metro commuters’ satisfaction in multi-type access and egress transferring groups, Min Yang, Jingyao Zhao, Wei Wang, Zhiyuan Liu, and Zhibin Li
Submissions from 2014
Symbiotic network design strategies in the presence of coexisting transportation networks, Joseph Y.J. Chow and Hamid R. Sayarshad
Changes in access to public transportation for cycle–transit users in response to service reductions, Bradley J. Flamm, Kay M. Sutula, and Mahbubur R. Meenar
Perceptions of Bicycle-Friendly Policy Impacts on Accessibility to Transit Services: The First and Last Mile Bridge, Bradley Flamm and Charles Rivasplata
Missing Links How Social Paths Can Improve Pedestrian Accessibility to Light Rail, Patrick Gallagher, Wesley E. Marshall, and Carol Atkinson-Palombo
Commuter Mode Choice and Free Car Parking, Public Transportation Benefits, Showers/Lockers, and Bike Parking at Work: Evidence from the Washington, DC Region, Andrea Hamre and Ralph Buehler
Factors affecting public transportation, car, and motorcycle usage, Rong-Chang Jou and Tzu-Ying Chen
Evaluating public transit modal shift dynamics in response to bikesharing: a tale of two U.S. cities, Elliot W. Martin and Susan A. Shaheen
Transport priorities, risk perception and worry associated with mode use and preferences among Norwegian commuters, Trond Nordfjærn, Özlem Şimşekoğlu, Hans Brende Lind, Stig Halvard Jørgensen, and Torbjørn Rundmo
Citizen participation for sustainable transport: the case of “Living City” in Santiago, Chile (1997–2012), Lake Sagaris
Do All Roadway Users Want the Same Things? Results from Roadway Design Survey of San Francisco Bay Area Pedestrians, Drivers, Bicyclists, and Transit Users, Rebecca L. Sanders and Jill F. Cooper
Exploring Synergy in Bicycle and Transit Use Empirical Evidence at Two Scales, Patrick A. Singleton and Kelly J. Clifton
Using the built environment to oversample walk, transit, and bicycle travel, Orion Theodore Stewart and Anne Vernez Moudon
The happy commuter: A comparison of commuter satisfaction across modes, Evelyne St-Louis, Kevin Manaugh, Dea van Lierop, and Ahmed El-Geneidy
Do Residents of Smart Growth Neighborhoods in Los Angeles, California, Travel "Smarter"?, Pengyu Zhu, Hongwei Dong, and Cifang Wu
Submissions from 2013
Determinants of Bicycle-On-Bus Boardings: A Case Study of the Greater Cleveland RTA, Bradley J. Flamm
Station Access on Four Continents, Chris A. Hale
Assessment of Bicycle Service Areas around Transit Stations, Hartwig H. Hochmair
Rescuing the captive [mode] user: an alternative approach to transport market segmentation, Cynthia Jacques, Kevin Manaugh, and Ahmed M. El-Geneidy
Modelling the potential effect of shared bicycles on public transport travel times in Greater Helsinki: An open data approach, Sakari Jäppinen, Tuuli Toivonen, and Maria Salonen
The Demand Analysis of Bike-and-ride in Rail Transit Stations based on Revealed and Stated Preference Survey, Chen Jingxu, Chen Xuewu, Wang Wei, and Feng Baol
Pedestrian/Bicyclist Warning Devices and Signs at Highway-Rail and Pathway-Rail Grade Crossings, Paul Metataxatos and P. S. Sriraj
Valuing active travel: Including the health benefits of sustainable transport in transportation appraisal frameworks, Corinne Mulley, Rob Tyson, Peter McCue, Chris Rissel, and Cameron Munro
Factors influencing modal split of commuting journeys in medium-size European cities, Georgina Santos, Hannah Maoh, Dimitris Potoglou, and Thomas von Brunn
Bicycle-Transit Integration in the United States, 2001–2009, Rui Wang and Chen Liu
Mode Shift Behavior Impacts from the Introduction of Metro Service: Case Study of Xi’an, China, Yuanqing Wang, Lei Li, Zhicheng Wang, Ting Lv, and Li Wang
Improving the cost-benefit analysis of integrated PT, walking and cycling, M. Wedderburn and Colin Buchanan
Submissions from 2012
Select Bus Service on M15 in New York City Bus Rapid Transit Partnership, Eric B. Beaton, Joseph E. Barr, Joseph V. Chiarmonte, Theodore V. Orosz, Dominique Paukowits, and Aaron Sugiura
Risk of crashing with a tram: Perceptions of pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists, Carole Castranier, Françoise Paran, and Patricia Delhomme
Evaluating bicycle-transit users’ perceptions of intermodal inconvenience, Yung-Hsiang Cheng and Kuo-Chu Liu
Determinants of Bicycle Transfer Demand at Metro Stations Analysis of Stations in Nanjing, China, Lijun Chen, Adam J. Pel, Xuewu Chen, Daniel Sparing, and Ingo A. Hansen
A Summary of Design, Policies and Operational Characteristics for Shared Bicycle/Bus Lanes, Edward L. Hillsman, Sara J. Hendricks, and JoAnne Fiebe
Supernetwork Approach for Modeling Traveler Response to Park-and-Ride, Feixiong Liao, Theo Arentze, and Harry Timmermans
Benefits of shift from car to active transport, Ari Rabi and Audrey de Nazelle
Accessibility and safety indicators for all road users: case study Delhi BRT, Geetam Tiwari and Deepty Jain
Submissions from 2011
The effect of social comparisons on commute well-being, Maya Abou-Zeid and Moshe Ben-Akiva
Much-Anticipated Marriage of Cycling and Transit How Will It Work?, Julie Bachand-Marleau, Jacob Larsen, and Ahmed M. El-Geneidy
Strollers, Carts, and Other Large Items on Buses and Trains, Joey M. Goldman and Gail Murray
Sustainable Public Transportation: Environmentally Friendly Mobility, Harrington-Hughes & Associates, Inc
Enabling Cost-Effective Multimodal Trip Planners through Open Transit Data, Edward L. Hillsman and Sean J. Barbeau
Bicycling access and egress to transit: Informing the possibilities, Kevin J. Krizek, Eric Stonebraker, and Seth Tribbey
Assessing Options to Enhance Bicycle and Transit Integration, Kevin J. Krizek and Eric W. Stonebraker
Psychological Factors Influencing Behavioral Intention Toward Future Sky Train Usage in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Borith Long, Kasem Choocharukul, and Takashi Nakatsuji
Generation of walking, cycling and public transport trips: pilot study, Lee Pike
Spatial distribution of the journey to work by sustainable modes in Australian cities, John Stone and Paul Mees
Estimating Personal Physical Activity from Transport, Russell G. Thompson and Horst Kayak
An Overview of Yield-to-Bus Programs in Florida, Huaguo Zhou, Stephanie Bromfield, and Pei-Sung Lin
Submissions from 2010
Determinants of transport mode choice: a comparison of Germany and the USA, Ralph Buehler
Habitual or reasoned? Using the theory of planned behavior, technology acceptance model, and habit to examine switching intentions toward public transit, Ching-Fu Chen and Wei-Hsiang Chao
Diesel-engined vehicle nitric oxide and soot emissions during the European light-duty driving cycle using a transient mapping approach, E G. Giakoumis and S C. Lioutas
Bicycling and Transit. A Marriage Unrealized, Kevin J. Krizek and Eric W. Stonebraker
Defining a Primary Market and Estimating Demand for Major Bicycle-Sharing Program in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania., Gregory R. Krykewycz, Christopher M. Puchalsky, Joshua Rocks, Brittany Bonnette, and Frank Jaskiewicz
Cycling Trends and Fate in the Face of Bus Rapid Transit Case Study of Jinan, Shandong Province, China, Brittany Nikole Montgomery
Intermodal Transfer Between Bicycles and Rail Transit in Shanghai, China, Haixiao Pan, Qing Shen, and Song Xue
Understanding the school journey: integrating data on travel and environment, Colin Pooley, Duncan Whyatt, Marion Walker, Gemma Davies, Paul Coulton, and Will Bamford
The review of Melbourne’s Principal Public Transport Network, Euan Ramsay
Bikesharing in Europe, the Americas, and Asia, Susan A. Shaheen, Stacey Guzman, and Hua Zhang
Autos, transit and bicycles: Comparing the costs in large Chinese cities, Rui Wang
Can Transit-Oriented Development Reduce Peak-Hour Congestion?, Ming Zhang
Submissions from 2009
Performance Measures for Railroad-Preempted Intersections, Thomas M. Brennan, Christopher M. Day, Darcy M. Bullock, and James R. Sturdevant
The relationship between the built environment and nonwork travel: A case study of Northern California, Jason (Xinyu) Cao, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Susan L. Handy
Influences of Built Environments on Walking and Cycling: Lessons from Bogota, Robert Cervero, Olga L. Sarmiento, Enrique Jacoby, Luis Fernando Gomez, and Andrea Neiman
Assessment of Hybrid-Electric Transit Bus Technology, Nigel N. ClarkF, Feng Zhen, W. Scott Wayne, John J. Schiavone, Cliff Chambers, Aaron D. Golub, and Kevin L. Chandler
Modelling the Joint Access Mode and Railway Station Choice, Ghebreegziabiher Debrezion, Eric Pels, and Piet Rietveld
Bike-sharing: History, impacts, models of provision, and future, Paul DeMaio
Life cycle prolongation of PT Rolling Stock by subsequent usage in third countries - Experiences out of the EU Research Project SPUTNIC, A Friedrichsen
Increase in particle number emissions from motor vehicles due to interruption of steady traffic flow, E R. Jayaratne, L Wang, D Heuff, L Morawska, and Luis Ferreira
Transit "pass-through" lanes at freeway interchanges: A life-cycle evaluation methodology, Michael Mandelzys and Bruce Hellinga
Paratransit Modal Choice in Akure, Nigeria. Applications of Behavioral Models, A O. Owolabi
Integrating Bicycling and Public Transport in North America, John Pucher and Ralph Buehler
Road Capacity at Bus Stops with Mixed Traffic Flow in China, Xiaobao Yang, Ziyou Gao, Xiaomei Zhao, and Bingfeng Si
Submissions from 2008
Traffic Control Devices: The Same Message No Matter Where You Travel, Linda Brown, Scott Wainwright, and Kevin Sylvester
Fifty Years of Bicycle Policy in Davis, California, Theodore J. Buehler and Susan L. Handy
Multimodal Level of Service for Urban Streets, Richard G. Dowling, Aimee Flannery, Bruce W. Landis, Theodore Anton Petritsch, Nagui M. Rouphail, and Paul Ryus