Submissions from 2018
Data-driven perspectives for energy efficient operations in railway systems: Current practices and future opportunities, Valerio De Martinis and Francesco Corman
Developing bus rapid transit, Fiona Ferbrache
Successful Practices and Training Initiatives to Reduce Bus Accidents and Incidents at Transit Agencies: Abridged Version of TCRP Synthesis 126, Jodi Godfrey, Lisa Staes, Jenifer Flynn, and Roberta Yegidis
How urban density, network topology and socio-economy influence public transport ridership: Empirical evidence from 48 European metropolitan areas, Jesper Bláfoss Ingvardson and Otto Anker Nielsen
Integrating Dynamic Signaling Commands Under Fixed-Block Signaling Systems into Train Dispatching Optimization Problems, Xiaojie Luan, Bart De Schutter, Francesco Corman, and Gabriel Lodewijks
Battery Electric Buses—State of the Practice, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Multi-level governance in public transport: Governmental layering and its influence on public transport service solutions, Wijnand Veeneman and Corinne Mulley
Developing Dedicated Bus Lane Screening Criteria in Baltimore, Maryland, Adam Vest, Patrick J. McMahon, and Jesus Cuellar
Submissions from 2017
Evaluating the roles and powers of rail regulatory bodies in Europe: A survey-based approach, Valerio Benedetto, Andrew S.J. Smith, and Chris A. Nash
Harassment on public transport and its impacts on women’s travel behaviour, Natalie Gardner, Jianqiang Cui, and Eddo Coiacetto
Infrastructure and Operational Influences on Collisions Between Trams and Left-Turning Cars, Christian M. Marti, Ambra Toletti, Seraina Tresch, and Ulrich Weidmann
Factors influencing travel mode choice among families with young children (aged 0–4): a review of the literature, Laura McCarthy, Alexa Delbosc, Graham Currie, and Andrew Molloy
Corrigendum to “Transit network design by genetic algorithm with elitism” [Transport. Res. Part C: Emerg. Technol. 46 (2014) 30–45], Muhammad Ali Nayeem, Md. Khaledur Rahman, and M. Sohel Rahman
Multiagency Electronic Fare Payment Systems, Paula Okunieff
Managing Extreme Weather at Bus Stops, Barbara Thomson
Traffic Signal Preemption at Intersections Near Highway–Rail Grade Crossings, Tom Urbanik and Alison Tanaka
What influences satisfaction and loyalty in public transport? A review of the literature, Dea van Lierop, Madhav G. Badami, and Ahmed M. El-Geneidy
Practices for Evaluating the Economic Impacts and Benefits of Transit: A Synthesis of Transit Practice, Glen Weisbrod, Naomi Stein, Chandler Duncan, and Adam Blair
Research and development of automatic train operation for railway transportation systems: A survey, Jiateng Yin, Tao Tang, Lixing Yang, Jing Xun, Yeran Huang, and Ziyou Gao
Submissions from 2016
Does transit mode influence the transit-orientation of urban development? – An empirical study, Laura Aston, Graham Currie, and Katerina Pavkova
Transit Agency Practices in Interacting with People Who Are Homeless: A Synthesis of Transit Practice, Daniel K. Boyle
Users’ willingness to ride an integrated public-transport service: A literature review, Subeh Chowdhury and Avishai (Avi) Ceder
Pricing strategies for public transport, Neil Douglas
Value of Transit as Reflected in U.S. Single-Family Home Premiums: A Meta-Analysis, Shima Hamidi, Katherine Kittrell, and Reid Ewing
Efficient contracting and incentive agreements between regulators and bus operators: The influence of risk preferences of contracting agents on contract choice, David A. Hensher, Chinh Ho, and Louise Knowles
Forty years of modelling rapid transit’s land value uplift in North America: moving beyond the tip of the iceberg, Christopher D. Higgins and Pavlos S. Kanaroglou
A review on co-benefits of mass public transportation in climate change mitigation, Soo Chen Kwan and Jamal Hisham Hashim
Passenger Perspectives in Railway Timetabling: A Literature Review, Jens Parbo, Otto Anker Nielsen, and Carlo Giacomo Prato
Transit Performance Measures in California, Caroline Rodier and Emily Issac
Linking Transit Agencies and Land Use Decision Making: Guidebook for Transit Agencies, WSP–Parsons Brinckerhoff, GB Place Making, Robert Cervero, and The Overhead Wire
Submissions from 2015
Platform Edge Detection and Protection Effects on Platform–Train Interface Safety, Dylan Anderson and Katharine Hunter-Zaworski
The role public transport can play in Safer Journeys and, in particular, to advance the Safe System approach, B Frith, J Burton, M Trotter, and G Rive
A systematic review of the literature on safety measures to prevent railway suicides and trespassing accidents, Grigore M. Havârneanu, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, and Françoise Paran
Placement of Rapid Transit Park-and-Ride Facilities, Andrew Mock and Jean-Claude Thill
Office Rent Premiums with Respect to Light Rail Transit Stations: Case Study of Dallas, Texas, with Implications for Planning of Transit-Oriented Development, Arthur C. Nelson, Dejan Eskic, Shima Hamidi, Susan J. Petheram, Reid Ewing, and Jenny H. Liu
Ridership Response to Incremental Bus Rapid Transit Upgrades in North America Demographic and Network Effects, Anson F. Stewart, John P. Attanucci, and Nigel H.M. Wilson
Document and User Guide for the Multi-Modal Passenger Simulation Model for Comparing Passenger Rail Energy Consumption with Competing Modes, TranSys Research Ltd., RailTEC, CPCS Transcom, Lawson Economics Research Inc., and Research and Traffic Group
Submissions from 2014
Light Rail and Land Use Change: Rail Transit’s Role in Reshaping and Revitalizing Cities, Christopher Higgins, Mark Ferguson, and Pavlos Kanaroglou
HOT for Transit? Transit’s Experience of High-Occupancy Toll Lanes, Gregory L. Newmark
Submissions from 2010
Transit-based smart parking: An evaluation of the San Francisco Bay area field test, Caroline J. Rodier and Susan A. Shaheen
Preventive Maintenance Intervals for Transit Buses, John Schiavone
Submissions from 2009
Improving Pedestrian and Motorist Safety Along Light Rail Alignments, Don Cleghorn, Allison Clavelle, Jonathan Boone, Maurice Masliah, and Herbert S. Levinson
Synthesis of research on value of time and value of reli, Sisinnio Concas and Alexander Kolpakov
Evaluation of smart video for transit event detection, Dmitry B. Goldgof, Deborah Sapper, Joshua Candamo, and Matthew Shreve
Managing peak demand for passenger rail: A literature review, Chris Hale and Phil Charles
Transit Security Update, Yuko J. Nakanishi
Light Rail Vehicle Collisions with Vehicles at Signalized Intersections, Kelley Klaver Pecheux and Harry Saporta
Moving the Bus Back into Traffic Safely--Signage and Lighting Configuration, Huaguo Zhou, Stephanie Bromfield, and Amy Datz
Submissions from 2008
School Travel Plans: Overcoming Barriers to Implementation, Hazel Baslington
Policies and Practices for Effectively and Efficiently Meeting ADA Paratransit Demand, David Chia
Effective ways to grow urban bus markets - a synthesis of evidence, Graham Currie and Ian Wallis
Uses of Higher Capacity Buses in Transit Service, Brendon Hemily and Rolland D. King
Transit Systems in College and University Communities, Tara Krueger and Gail Murray
A Human Perspective on the Daily Commute: Costs, Benefits and Trade-offs, Glenn Lyons and Kiron Chatterjee
Role of Bus-Based Park and Ride in the UK: A Temporal and Evaluative Review, Stuart Meek, Stephen Ison, and Marcus Enoch
AVL Systems for Bus Transit: Update, Doug J. Parker
Mode choice of older and disabled people: a case study of shopping trips in London, Jan-Dirk Schmocker, Mohammed A. Quddus, Robert B. Noland, and Michael G H Bell
Integration of Paratransit and Fixed-Route Transit Services, Richard Weiner
Submissions from 2007
Design, Operation, and Safety of At-Grade Crossings of Exclusive Busways, Kimberly A. Eccles and Herbert S. Levinson
Influences on Bicycle Use, John Douglas Hunt and J E. Abraham
Value of Punctuality on Suburban Trains to and from Paris, Eric Kroes, Marco Kouwenhoven, Hugues Duchateau, Laurence Debrincat, and Jonathan Goldberg
Mode Choice Behavior of Elderly Travelers in Honolulu, Hawaii, Tara Y I Lucas, Adrian Ricardo Archilla, and Constantinos S. Papacostas
Urban rail transit PPPs: Survey and risk assessment of recent strategies, Sock-Yong Phang
Paratransit Manager's Skills, Qualifications, and Needs, John F. Potts and Maxine A. Marshall
Use of Biodiesel in a Transit Fleet, John J. Schiavone
Assessing cumulative environmental effects from major public transport projects, Reginald C. Tricker
Traffic Control Devices and Barrier Systems at Grade Crossings: Literature Review, Michelle Yeh and Jordan Multer
Submissions from 2006
Bus Transit Service in Land Development Planning, Mary Kay Christopher
Rail passenger crowding, stress, health and safety in Britain, Tom Cox, Jonathan Houdmont, and Amanda Griffiths
Transit Agency Participation in Medicaid Transportation Programs, Kenneth I. Hosen and Elizabeth Fetting
Public transport mode selection: a review of international practice, Stephen Luke and Mott MacDonald
Bus Use of Shoulders, Peter C. Martin
Transit Use Viability Among Older Drivers Losing Driving Privileges, Steven Polzin and Oliver Page
Finding Ways to Reduce Insurance and Bonding Costs for Major Transit Projects: Final Report, Stephen L. Reich, Janet L. Davis, and Julia Cope
Methods of Rider Communication, Carol L. Schweiger
Web-Based Survey Techniques, Gregory Mark Spitz, Frances L. Niles, and Thomas J. Adler
Bus Driver Well-Being Review: 50 Years of Research, John L M Tse, Rhona Flin, and Kathryn Mearns
Interoperable Transit Smart Card Systems: Are We Moving Too Slowly or Too Quickly?, Allison C. Yoh, Hiroyuki Iseki, Brian D. Taylor, and David A. King
Submissions from 2005
EFFICIENCY OF URBAN PUBLIC TRANSIT: A META ANALYSIS, Martijn Brons, Peter Nijkamp, Eric Pels, and Piet Rietveld
Impacts of Transit Oriented Development on Public Transportation Ridership, Sara J. Hendricks
Strategic Planning and Management in Transit Agencies, J. J. Lawrie
Emergency Response Procedures for Natural Gas Transit Vehicles, M. J. Murphy
Transit-Based Smart Parking in the San Francisco Bay Area, California: Assessment of User Demand and Behavioral Effects, Caroline J. Rodier, Susan A. Shaheen, and Amanda M. Eaken
On-Board and Intercept Transit Survey Techniques, Bruce Schaller
Submissions from 2004
Identifying the Characteristics of Successful Local Transit Circulator Systems in Residential Areas of Southeast Florida, Marlo Chavarria and Joel Volinski
Ridership models at the stop level, Xuehao Chu
Transit Operator Health and Wellness Programs, M. J. Davis
Computer-Aided Scheduling and Dispatch in Demand-Responsive Transit Services, D. S. Kessler
Operational Experiences with Flexible Transit Services, D. Koffman
Transit Advertising Sales Agreements, B. Schaller
Performance-Based Measures in Transit Fund Allocation, R. G. Stanley and P. G. Hendren
Geographic Information Systems Applications in Transit, John C. Sutton
Maintenance Productivity Practices, F. W. Venezia
Submissions from 2003
Corporate Culture as the Driver of Transit Leadership Practices, M. J. Davis
APPLICATION OF NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION TO SUBWAY TUNNEL SYSTEMS, N Delatte, S Chen, N Maini, N Parker, A Agrawal, G Mylonakis, K Subramaniam, A Kawaguchi, P Bosela, S McNeil, and R Miller
Senior transportation alternatives: Why are they important and what makes them work?, Chandra C. Foreman, Lisa E. Tucker, Jennifer Flynn, and Michael West