Transit and Regional Economic Development

Document Type


Publication Date


Subject Area

land use - planning, land use - transit oriented development, land use - smart growth, place - north america, mode - rail, land use - impacts


Transit Oriented Development (TOD), employment centers


The types of jobs locating near transit are changing, and the ones that have grown are the places where our economy is likely to continue adding jobs such as professional sectors. However, even as jobs have grown near transit, they've grown faster away from transit over the past decade. This is mostly because we don't actively think about where jobs are located in planning for economic development.

Transit and Regional Economic Development,” focuses primarily on the location decisions of employers. The report analyzes the degree to which different industry sectors are currently attracted to transit-rich locations and examines the character of employment clusters near transit.

"The outcome of this analysis is a better understanding of the types of industries that may have a greater propensity to be transit-oriented," explained Sujata Srivastava, lead author and principal with Strategic Economics. "This paper is intended to provide a framework for how the coordination of regional economic development, land use and transportation planning efforts can better promote healthy, high-functioning regions.

Both reports were supported with funding from the Federal Transit Administration.


Permission to link to this report has been given by Reconnecting America, copyright remains with them and CTOD.


This study was prepared by Dena Belzer, Sujuta Srivastava, Mason Austin, with assistance from Jeff Wood, Tyler Bump and Eli Popuch.
