Geographical Applications of Performance Measures for Transit Network Directness

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date


Subject Area

place - asia, land use - urban density, planning - network design, planning - service improvement


transit networks, population density, transit ridership, directness


This research developed a geographical presentation method to show which areas of the city need to be improved in terms of the directness of transit service using two measures, Degree of Competitiveness and Degree of Circuity, which were developed in the first author’s previous research. In this research, the directness of transit networks in five cities in Korea was analyzed and compared as an example and demonstrated geographically. The results show that although more populated cities are likely to provide more direct transit service than less populated cities, population density affects the transit network directness more. Also, this research showed that there is a strong relationship between transit network directness and transit ridership. As a result of this research, transit agencies can have a better visual understanding of their transit network directness and can improve transit network configuration where transit network directness is poor.


Permission to publish the abstract has been given by National Center for Transit Research, University of South Florida, copyright remains with them.
