Submissions from 2007
Modeling the Timing of User Responses to a New Urban Public Transport Service: Application of Duration Modeling, Kiron Chatterjee and Kang-Rae Ma
Planning for "Laobaixing": Public Participation in Urban Transportation Project, Liaoning, China, Wenling Chen and Shomik Raj Mehndiratta
Development of a Control Strategy for Intermodal Connection Protection of Timed-Transfer Transit Routes, Eui-Hwan Chung and Amer S. Shalaby
Successfully Changing Individual Travel Behavior: Applying Community-Based Social Marketing to Travel Choice, Carol Cooper
Accuracy and Precision of the Transit Tracker System, David T. Crout
Transit Ridership, Automobile Gas Prices, and World Events: New Drivers of Change?, Graham Currie and Justin Phung
A New Approach to Evaluating On-Road Public Transport Priority Projects: Balancing the Demand for Limited Road-Space, Graham Currie, Majid Sarvi, and Bill Young
Emissions of demand responsive services as an alternative to conventional transit systems, Marco Diana, Luca Quadrifoglio, and Cristina Pronello
Factors Affecting Work Site Mode Choice: Findings from Portland, Oregon, Jennifer Dill and Erin Wardell
Dynamic At-Stop Real-Time Information Displays for Public Transport: Effects on Customers, Katrin Dziekan and Karl Kottenhoff
Emergency Evacuation Planning and Preparedness of Transit Facilities: Traffic Simulation Modeling, Noor Elmitiny, Shankar Ramasamy, and Essam Radwan
Understanding Suburban Travel Demand: Flexible Modelling With Revealed and Stated Choice Data, Raquel Espino, Juan de Dios Ortuzar, and Concepcion Roman
Would You Stick To Using Your Car Even If Charged? Evidence from Trento, Italy, Carlo V. Fiorio and Marco Percoco
Service Reliability and Optimal Running Time Schedules, Peter G. Furth and Theo H J Muller
Public Acceptability of Road User Charging: The Case of Edinburgh and the 2005 Referendum, Martin Gaunt, Tom Rye, and Simon Allen
Some Lessons from the LRT in Tunis and the Transferability of Experience, Xavier Godard
Use of Archived Bus Location, Dispatch, and Ridership Data for Transit Analysis, Hina Golani
Key Factors for Successful Leisure and Tourism Public Transport Provision, Werner Gronau and Andreas Kagermeier
Modeling the Effects of Transit System Transfers on Travel Behavior: Case of Commuter Rail and Subway in Downtown Boston, Massachusetts, Zhan Guo and Nigel H M Wilson
Impact of Weather on Transit Ridership in Chicago, Illinois, Zhan Guo, Nigel H M Wilson, and Adam Rahbee
Impact of Rising Fuel Prices on U.S. Transit Ridership, Ashley Raye Haire and Randy B. Machemehl
Congestion Pricing for Multi-Modal Transportation Systems, Younes Hamdouch, Michael A. Florian, Donald W. Hearn, and Siriphong Lawphongpanich
Delivering Value for Money to Government through Efficient and Effective Public Transit Service Continuity: Some Thoughts, David A. Hensher
Sustainable Public Transport Systems: Moving Towards a Value for Money and Network-Based Approach and Away from Blind Commitment, David A. Hensher
Meta-Analysis of Public Transport Demand, Johan Holmgren
Are Smart Cards the Smart Way to Go? Examining Their Adoption by U.S. Transit Agencies, Hiroyuki Iseki, Allison C. Yoh, and Brian D. Taylor
Exploring Market Support for New Products and Services for Transit and Walking: New Market Research Approach, Karla H. Karash, Matthew A. Coogan, and Thomas Jay Adler
Analysis of Light Rail Rider Travel Behavior: Impacts of Individual, Built Environment, and Crime Characteristics on Transit Access, Sungyop Kim, Gudmundur F. Ulfarsson, and J Todd Hennessy
Models for Independence: Structures of Independent Metropolitan Planning Organizations in Florida, Jeffrey Kramer and Christina Hopes
Capturing Tour Mode and Activity Choice Interdependencies: A Co-Evolutionary Logit Modelling Approach, Stephan Krygsman, Theo Arentze, and Harry J P Timmermans
System Planning for Quality Transit Projects, Melissa M. Laube, William M. Lyons, and Darin Allan
From Aggregate Methods to Microsimulation: Assessing Benefits of Microscopic Activity-Based Models of Travel Demand, Jason D. Lemp, Laura Beth McWethy, and Kara M. Kockelman
Modeling Park-and-Ride Services in a Multimodal Transport Network with Elastic Demand, Zhi-Chun Li, William H K Lam, S C. Wong, Dao-Li Zhu, and Hai-Jun Huang
Mode Choice Behavior of Elderly Travelers in Honolulu, Hawaii, Tara Y I Lucas, Adrian Ricardo Archilla, and Constantinos S. Papacostas
A Rejected-Reinsertion Heuristic for the Static Dial-A-Ride Problem, Ying Luo and Paul Schonfeld
The ITE 2007 Annual Meeting and Exhibit in Pittsburgh, PA, USA--Getting to the Point, Mark J. Magalotti
Accounting for Emissions in the Measurement of Transit Agency Efficiency: A Directional Distance Function Approach, B Starr McMullen and Dong-Won Noh
Measuring transit use variability with smart-card data, Catherine Morency, Martin Trepanier, and Bruno Agard
Personal Rapid Transit Safety and Security on University Campus, Peter J. Muller, Stanley Ernest Young, and Michael N. Vogt
Integrating Value Engineering and Context-Sensitive Solutions: The St. Clair Avenue West Transit Improvements Project, Hesham Osman, Nora M. El-Gohary, and Tamer E. El-Diraby
Exploring Approaches Towards a Sustainable Transport System, Stephen Potter
Interactions Between Residential Relocations, Life Course Events, and Daily Commuting Distances, Jan Prillwitz and Martin Lanzendorf
Design of Personal Rapid Transit Circulator for Major Activity Center: Hacienda Business Park, Pleasanton, California, Steve Raney, James Paxson, and David Maymudes
ConnectOregon Program for Funding Multimodal Transportation Projects, Julie F. Rodwell, John L. Jackley, and Steven R. Kale
Development of Commuter and Non-Commuter Mode Choice Models for the Assessment of New Public Transport Infrastructure Projects: A Case Study, John M. Rose and David A. Hensher
Growth in Worldwide Carsharing: An International Comparison, Susan A. Shaheen and Adam P. Cohen
Video Transit Training for Older Travelers: Case Study of the Rossmoor Senior Adult Community, Walnut Creek, California, Susan A. Shaheen and Caroline J. Rodier
Performance Evaluation of Bus Routes: A Provider and Passenger Perspective, Chintan Sheth, Konstantinos Triantis, and Dusan Teodorovic
Commute Mode Choice in a Developing Country: Role of Subjective Factors and Variations in Responsiveness Across Captive, Semicaptive, and Choice Segments, Karthik K. Srinivasan, Gautam Nilambar Pradhan, and Maheswara Naidu
Process Model of Voluntary Travel Behavior Modification and Effects of Travel Feedback Programs, Ayako Taniguchi and Satoshi Fujii
Mobility Management in Japan: Its Development and Meta-Analysis of Travel Feedback Programs, Ayako Taniguchi, Haruna Suzuki, and Satoshi Fujii
An Investigation of the Relationship between Public Transport Performance and Destination Satisfaction, Karen Thompson and Peter Schofield
Equilibrium Properties of the Morning Peak-Period Commuting in a Many-to-One Mass Transit System, Qiong Tian, Hai-Jun Huang, and Hai Yang
Assessing cumulative environmental effects from major public transport projects, Reginald C. Tricker
Financing Transit-Oriented Development: Understanding and Overcoming Obstacles, Marie Venner and Liisa Ecola
Electric Two-Wheelers in China: Effect on Travel Behavior, Mode Shift, and User Safety Perceptions in a Medium-Sized City, Jonathan Xavier Weinert, Chaktan Ma, Xinmiao Yang, and Christopher R. Cherry
Impact of congestion charging on the transit market: An inter-modal equilibrium model, Muanmas Wichiensin, Michael G.H. Bell, and Hai Yang
Commuter Parking Versus Transit-Oriented Development: Evaluation Methodology, Richard William Willson and Val Menotti
Individual and Neighborhood Determinants of Perceptions of Bus and Train Safety in Chicago, Illinois: Application of Hierarchical Linear Modeling, Nilay Yavuz, Eric Welch, and P S. Sriraj
An Exploration of the Relationship Between Mode Choice and Complexity of Trip Chaining Patterns, Xin Ye, Ram M. Pendyala, and Giovanni Gottardi
Chinese Edition of Transit-Oriented Development, Ming Zhang
Submissions from 2006
Modeling Time-of-Day Choice in Context of Tour- and Activity-Based Models, Maya Abou Zeid, Thomas F. Rossi, and Brian Gardner
The Politico-Economic Link between Public Transport and Road Pricing: An Ex-Ante Study of the Stockholm Road-Pricing Trial, Hanna Armelius and Lars Hultkrantz
Encouraging Environmentally Sustainable Holiday Travel, Susanne Bohler, Sylvie Grischkat, Sonja Haustein, and Marcel Hunecke
Native American Transit: Current Practices, Needs, and Barriers, Benjamin Lee Boyles, Erin Brinton, Anne Dunning, Angela Mathias, and Mark T. Sorrell
Teenage Mobility in the United States: Issues and Opportunities for Promoting Public Transit, Alasdair Cain
Context-Sensitive Urban Transportation Design in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Jeffrey M. Casello, Robert M. Wright, and Vukan R. Vuchic
Planning and Evaluation of Passenger Ferry Service in Hong Kong, Avishai Ceder
Middle‐class Travel Patterns, Predispositions and Attitudes, and Present‐day Transport Policy in Bangkok, Thailand, Wanpen Charoentrakulpeeti, Edsel Sajor, and Willi Zimmermann
Systems-Level Approach to Sustainable Urban Arterial Revitalization: Case Study of San Pablo Avenue, San Francisco Bay Area, California, Christopher R. Cherry, Elizabeth Deakin, Nathan Higgins, and S Brian Huey
Algorithm for Optimal Bid Packaging for Competitive Contracting in Public Transit, M Sabbir U Chowdhury, Isam A. Kaysi, and Amer S. Shalaby
Transit Ridership Model Based on Geographically Weighted Regression, Lee-Fang Chow, Fang Zhao, Xuemei Liu, Min-Tang Li, and Ike Ubaka
Ridership Accuracy and Transit Formula Grants, Xuehao Chu
Moving Driverless Transit into the Mainstream: Research Issues and Challenges, Wayne D. Cottrell
Effects of Land Use Characteristics on Residence and Employment Location and Travel Behavior of Urban Adult Workers, Joao de Abreu e Silva, Thomas F. Golob, and Konstadinos G. Goulias
System Plan for California's Bay Area Regional Express Bus Service, Elizabeth Deakin, Manish Shirgaokar, Cornelius Nuworsoo, Aaron Golub, Jean Finney, Wingate Lew, Becky Frank, Christopher R. Cherry, Nathan Higgins, Elihu Rubin, Thomas Valentin, Kamala Parks, Willa Ng, and Deborah Wong
Policy Insights from the Urban Road Pricing Case Studies, Andre de Palma, Robin Lindsey, and Esko Niskanen
The Impact of "Free" Public Transport: The Case of Brussels, Astrid De Witte, Cathy Macharis, Pierre Lannoy, Celine Polain, Therese Steenberghen, and Stefaan Van de Walle
Manifestations of Development Goals in Transit-Oriented Projects, Robert T. Dunphy and Douglas R. Porter
Evolution of the TRANSYT Model in a Developing Country, Rodrigo Fernandez, Eduardo Valenzuela, Federico Casanello, and Carola Jorquera
Wasted density? The impact of Toronto’s residential-density-distribution policies on public-transit use and walking, Pierre Filion, Kathleen McSpurren, and Brad Appleby
Athens 2004 Olympic Games: Transportation Planning, Simulation and Traffic Management, John M. Frantzeskakis and Michael J. Frantzeskakis
Determinants of the Effectiveness of Travel Feedback Programs--a Review of Communicative Mobility Management Measures for Changing Travel Behaviour in Japan, S Fujii and A Taniguchi
Service Reliability and Hidden Waiting Time: Insights from Automatic Vehicle Location Data, Peter G. Furth and Theo H J Muller
Option Value of Public Transport: Methodology for Measurement and Case Study for Regional Rail Links in the Netherlands, K GEURS, R HAAIJER, and B VAN WEEH
Simultaneous Optimization of Transit Line Configuration and Passenger Line Assignment, J F. Guan, Hai Yang, and S C. Wirasinghe
New Toolkit Provides Practical Tools to Build Better Bus Stops, Beth Hamby and Ken Thompson
Controlling Vehicular Emissions in Beijing During the Last Decade, Jiming Hao, Jingnan Hu, and Lixin Fu
Congestion, Pollution, and Benefit-to-Cost Ratios of US Public Transit Systems, Jon D. Harford
Transportation Sector and Supply Chain Performance and Sustainability, Chris T. Hendrickson, Gyorgyi Cicas, and Scott Matthews
Examination of Process of Innovation at Transit Systems, Lynda K. Hikichi and Edward A. Beimborn
Passengers’ Perceived Service Quality of City Buses in Taipei: Scale Development and Measurement, K C. HU and W JEN
The Effects of Attitudes and Personality Traits on Mode Choice, Maria Vredin Johansson, Tobias Heldt, and Per Johansson
Forecasting and Appraising the Impact of a Regular Interval Timetable, D Johnson, J Shires, Chris Nash, and J Tyler
Transit Attractiveness: Systematic Approach to Transit Performance Measurement, J Christopher Kopp, Joseph A. Moriarty, and Mark E. Pitstick
Lifestyles, Residential Location Decisions, and Pedestrian and Transit Activity, Kevin J. Krizek
Users of Transport Modes and Multimodal Travel Behavior: Steps Toward Understanding Travelers' Options and Choices, Tobias Georg Kuhnimhof, Bastian Chlond, and Stefan von der Ruhren
Land Transport Policy and Public Transport in Singapore, Soi Hoi Lam and Trinh Dinh Toan