Submissions from 2009
Evaluation of Impacts of Intermodal Terminals on the Highway System, Chiranjivi Sarma Bhamidipati and Michael J. Demetsky
How spatial and transport planning affects car and public transport ownership. A panel data simulation., M Bohnet and C Gertz
Express Bus Versus Rail Transit: How a Marriage of Mode and Mission Affects Transit Performance, Jeffrey R. Brown and Gregory Lee Thompson
A comparative evaluation of large-scale personal travel planning projects in England, Kiron Chatterjee
Modeling and Performance Assessment of a Transit-Based Evacuation Plan Within a Contraflow Simulation Environment, Cheng-Chieh Chen and Chih-Sheng Chou
Work Departure Time Analysis Using Dogit Ordered Generalized Extreme Value Model, You-Lian Chu
Revenues from a Statewide Congestion Pricing Program: Estimation on a Shoestring Budget, Patrick T. DeCorla-Souza and David M. Luskin
Do Transit Users Just Wait for Buses or Wait with Strategies? Some Numerical Results That Transit Planners Should See, Wei Fan and Randy B. Machemehl
Dots & Dashes: Transit Planning Outreach and Education in a Board Game Format, Joseph F. Hacker, Gregory R. Krykewycz, and Jane M. Meconi
Managing peak demand for passenger rail: A literature review, Chris Hale and Phil Charles
Practice reviews in peak period rail network managment: Sydney and San Francisco Bay Area, Chris Hale and Phil Charles
Capacity Factors of a Mixed Speed Railway Network, Steven Harrod
Transport policy evaluation in metropolitan areas: The role of modelling in decision-making, M. Hatzopoulou and E. J. Miller
Achieving Carbon-Efficient Transportation: Backcasting from London, Robin Hickman, Olu Ashiru, and David Banister
Citywide Transit Integration in a Large City: The Interligado System of São Paulo, Brazil, Dario Hidalgo
Transit as Part of the Equation, Revisited, Alan S. Hoback
Network Analysis of World Subway Systems Using Updated Graph Theory, Christopher Kennedy and Sybil Jean-Marie Derrible
Planning for Bus Rapid Transit in a Single Dedicated Bus Lane, Jing-Quan Li, Myoung Kyun Song, Meng Li, and Wei-Bin Zhang
Optimal Zone Design for Feeder Transit Services, Xiugang Li and Luca Quadrifoglio
Path dependence in urban transport: An institutional analysis of urban passenger transport in Melbourne, Australia, 1956-2006, Nicholas Low and Rachel Astle
Density and transport mode choice in Australian, Candian and US cities, Paul Mees
Planning for Bus-on-Shoulders Operations in Northeastern Illinois: A Survey of Stakeholders, Paul Metaxatos and Piyushimita Thakuriah
Integrating line planning, timetabling, and vehicle scheduling: a customer-oriented heuristic, Mathias Michaelis and Anita Schöbel
Cap-and-Trade: Five Implications for Transportation Planners, Adam Millard-Ball
Best Practices in Transit Service Planning, Mark Mistretta, Jay A. Goodwill, Rob Gregg, and Christopher DeAnnuntis
Integrating Measures for Business Continuity and Transportation Demand Management to Ensure Regional Emergency Preparedness and Mobility, Frank Mongioi, Lisa McNally, and Ryan Thompson
Excess commuting and modal choice, Enda Murphy
Application of Pedestrian Intersection Safety Index in Planning Access to New Rail Stations, Daniel Nabors, Dalia Leven, and Frank Spielberg
Bus design guidelines: Complementing planning with vehicle design, Robbie Napper, Arthur de Bono, Karen Burns, and Selby Coxon
Indian Bus Rapid Transit Systems Funded by the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission, Madhav Pai and Dario Hidalgo
Network planning, Swiss style: making public transport work in semi-rural areas, Tim Petersen
Entry-Only Automated Fare-Collection System Data Used to Infer Ridership, Rider Destinations, Unlinked Trips, and Passenger Miles, Alla Reddy, Alex Lu, Santosh Kumar, Victor Bashmakov, and Svetlana Rudenko
Reducing Urban Transport Energy Dependence: A New Urban Development Framework and GIS-Based Tool, Michael James Saunders and Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva
Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Land Transport in India: Scenarios of the Uncertain, Lee Schipper, Ipsita Banerjee, and Wei-Shiuen Ng
Cost Contingencies, Development Basis, and Project Application, Donald Schneck, Richard Laver, and Michael B. O'Connor
Land Consumption Impacts of a Transportation System on a City: An Analysis, Yong Eun Shin, Vukan R. Vuchic, and Eric Christian Bruun
Line Length Versus Operational Reliability: Network Design Dilemma in Urban Public Transportation, Rob van Nes and Niels van Oort
Vancouver's Transportation Innovations, Gary Vlieg
Residential Off-Street Parking Impacts on Car Ownership, Vehicle Miles Traveled, and Related Carbon Emissions: New York City Case Study, Rachel R. Weinberger, Mark Seaman, and Carolyn Johnson
Cluster-Based Hierarchical Model for Urban Transit Hub Location Planning: Formulation, Solution, and Case Study, Jie Yu, Yue Liu, Gang-Len Chang, Wanjing Ma, and Xiaoguang Yang
Submissions from 2008
Urban transportation and equity: A case study of Beijing and Karachi, Qureshi Intikhab Ahmed, Huapu Lu, and Shi Ye
Effects of TOD on Housing, Parking, and Travel, G. B. Arrington and Robert Cervero
A revenue-neutral tax reform to increase demand for public transport services, Carlos Pestana Barros and Juan Prieto-Rodriguez
Full-Featured Bus Rapid Transit in San Francisco, California: Toward a Comprehensive Planning Approach and Evaluation Framework, Elizabeth M. Bent, Rachel E M Hiatt, and Krute Singa
Urban Transportation Planning in Transition, Luca Bertolini, Frank le Clercq, and Thomas Straatemeier
Toward Socially Sustainable Urban Transportation: Progress and Potentials, E Eric Boschmann and Mei-Po Kwan
Funding for local authority transport and land-use schemes in the UK, Charlotte Brannigan and Neil Paulley
Improving Public Transportation Technology Implementations and Anticipating Emerging Technologies, Matthew W. Burt, Chris Cluett, Carol L. Schweiger, Matthew A. Coogan, Richard B. Easley, and Sharon Easley
Integrated railways-based policies: The Regional Metro System (RMS) project of Naples and Campania, Ennio Cascetta and Francesca Pagliara
Models for Safety Analysis of Road Surface Transit, Carl Cheung, Amer S. Shalaby, Bhagwant N. Persaud, and Alireza Hadayeghi
Enriching Archived Smart Card Transaction Data for Transit Demand Modeling, Ka Kee Alfred Chu and Robert Chapleau
Innovative Planning and Financing Strategies for a Downtown Circulator Bus Route: Ann Arbor, Michigan, Thomas Craig Cornillie
Investigating Links between Social Capital and Public Transport, Graham Currie and Janet Stanley
Planning for sustainable accessibility: The implementation challenge, Carey Curtis
New Active Traffic Management Approach for Metropolitan Freeway Networks, Patrick T. DeCorla-Souza
New Road Financing System for U.S. Metropolitan Areas, Patrick T. DeCorla-Souza
New Decision Support System for Optimization of Rail Track Maintenance Planning Based on Adaptive Neurofuzzy Inference System, Mauro Dell'Orco, Michele Ottomanelli, Leonardo Caggiani, and Domenico Sassanelli
Managing transport challenges when oil prices rise, S. Donovan, J. Genter, B. Petrenas, N. Mumby, T. Hazledine, Todd Litman, G. Hewison, T. Guidera, L. O'Reilly, A. Green, and G. Leyland
“Ideal” decision-making processes for transport planning: A comparison between Europe and South East Asia, Guenter Emberger, Paul Pfaffenbichler, Sittha Jaensirisak, and Paul Timms
What Affects Use of Pretrip Public Transport Information? Empirical Results of a Qualitative Study, Sendy Farag and Glenn Lyons
The ITE 2008 Annual Meeting and Exhibit in Anaheim, CA, USA: 21st-Century Transportation, John E. Fisher
From Arterial to Asset: Examining the Role of the Multiway Boulevard in Coordinated Transportation and Land Use Planning, Mark L. Gillem
Transit network design and scheduling: A global review, Valerie Guihaire and Jin-Kao Hao
Residential Property Values and Mass Transit Service in Brisbane, Chris A. Hale
Schedule-based transit assignment model with travel strategies and capacity constraints, Younes Hamdouch and Siriphong Lawphongpanich
Regional transportation planning in the US: An examination of changes in technical aspects of the planning process in response to changing goals, Susan L. Handy
Climate change, enhanced greenhouse gas emissions and passenger transport - What can we do to make a difference?, David A. Hensher
Advanced network planning for Bus Rapid Transit: The "Quickway" Model as a modal alternative to "Light Rail Lite", Alan Hoffman
Fleet Size Model for Light Rail and Bus Rapid Transit Systems, Lo Rosa Hsu and Jer-wei Wu
Indicators for Sustainable Transportation Planning, Robert A. Johnston
Process Management in Public Transit Planning: Case Study of Introduction Project of Light Rail Transit in Toyama, Japan, Hironori Kato, Hideaki Shiroyama, and Takeshi Fukayama
A strategic planning methodology, Robert Kölbl, Martin Neigl, and Hermann Knoflacher
Transit Systems in College and University Communities, Tara Krueger and Gail Murray
Complete Streets: We Can Get There from Here, John LaPlante and Barbara McCann
Transit Score: Screening Model for Evaluating Community Suitability for Transit Investments, Jerome M. Lutin, Gregory R. Krykewycz, Joseph F. Hacker, and Thomas W. Marchwinski
Developing a set of decision-support tools for sustainable urban transport in the UK, Anthony D. May, Matthew Page, and Angela Hull
New Methodology for Optimizing Transit Priority at the Network Level, Mahmoud Mesbah, Majid Sarvi, and Graham Currie
Land Use-Based Transit Planning, Ronald T. Milam and Tao Luo
The ITE 2008 Annual Meeting and Exhibit in Anaheim, CA, USA: Transportation and Other Items of Interest in Orange County, CA, Rock E. Miller
Contingency Planning and War Gaming for the Transport Operations of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, Ioannis Minis and Dimitrios A. Tsamboulas
Market Potential for International Rail-Based Intermodal Services in Europe: From Sea to Shining Sea, Rahul Nair, Elise D. Miller-Hooks, Hani S. Mahmassani, Vishnu Charan Arcot, April Yiwen Kuo, Kuilin Zhang, Aaron T C Y Kozuki, and Johanna Ludvigsen
Effective Strategic Planning in Public Transit Systems, Kofi Obeng and Isaiah Ugboro
Guidebook for Mitigating Fixed-Route Bus-and-Pedestrian Collisions, Kelley Klaver Pecheux, Jocelyn K. Bauer, Sheryl Miller, Jennifer A. Rephlo, Harry Saporta, Samantha Erickson, Sue Knapp, and Jason Quan
Making Cycling Irresistible: Lessons from The Netherlands, Denmark and Germany, John Pucher and Ralph Buehler
Changes in the structure of car ownership in Spain, Josep-LLuis Raymond and Anna Matas
Understanding How to Motivate Communities to Support and Ride Public Transportation, Mindy Rhindress, Frank Lynch, Susan Bregman, Rose E. Reichman, Nancy J. Coopersmith, and John A. Dunning
Transporting Singapore--The Air-Conditioned Nation, Jonathan E D Richmond
Multiple views of sustainable urban mobility: The case of Brazil, Antônio Nélson Rodrigues da Silva, Marcela da Silva Costa, and Márcia Helena Macedo
Air quality impacts of Tokyo's on-road diesel emission regulations, Daniel Rutherford and Leonard Ortolano
Identifying Feasible Locations for Rail Transit Stations: Two-Stage Analytical Model, Sutapa Samanta and Manoj K. Jha
Efficiency analysis of public transport systems: Lessons for institutional planning, Breno Ramos Sampaio, Oswaldo Lima Neto, and Yony Sampaio
Guidelines and Performance Measures to Incorporate Transit and Other Multimodal Considerations into the FDOT DRI Review Process, Karen E. Seggerman, Sara J. Hendricks, and Ann C. Joslin
How to plan for regional accessibility, Thomas Straatemeier
Developing land use and transport PSS: Meaningful information through a dialogue between modelers and planners, Marco te Brommelstroet and Luca Bertolini
Land-Use Challenges to Implementing Transit-Oriented Development in China: Case Study of Jinan, Shandong Province, Alainna Thomas and Elizabeth Deakin
Real-life locomotive planning: New formulations and computational results, Balachandran Vaidyanathan, Ravindra K. Ahuja, Jian Liu, and Larry A. Shughart
Competitive tendering in The Netherlands: Central planning vs. functional specifications, Didier van de Velde, Wijnand Veeneman, and Lars Lutje Schipholt
Purpose-driven public transport: creating a clear conversation about public transport goals, Jarrett Walker
Equity and Efficiency Analysis of Pricing Strategies in a Bimodal Network with Heterogeneous User Groups, Z X. Wu, William H K Lam, and Hai-Jun Huang