Estimating bus run times for new limited-stop service using archived AVL and APC data

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date


Subject Area

mode - bus, operations - performance, place - north america, planning - route design, planning - service improvement, technology - automatic vehicle monitoring, technology - intelligent transport systems


Run time, Travel time, Limited-stop service, Express service, Transit planning, Transit operations


In recent years, several transit agencies have been trying to be more competitive with the automobile to attract choice riders. Transit agencies can only be competitive if they can provide services that are reliable, have a short access and egress time, and have run times that are comparable to automobiles. Several transit agencies try to be competitive through offering faster service, such as limited-stop (express) bus service. This study uses AVL and APC data, in addition to a disaggregate data obtained from a travel behavior survey, to select stops and estimate run times for a new limited-stop service that will run parallel to a heavily used bus route (67 Saint-Michel) in Montréal, Canada. Three different scenarios are developed based on theory and practice to select stops to be incorporated in the new limited service. The time savings for each scenario are then evaluated as a range and a fourth scenario is developed. A limited-stop service is recommended based on selecting stops serving both directions of the route, major activity points and stop spacing. This study shows that implementing a limited-stop service would yield substantial time savings for both, the new limited service and the existing regular service running in parallel.


Permission to publish abstract given by Elsevier, copyright remains with them.


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