Flexible Carpooling to Transit Stations


Paul Minnett

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date



Casual carpooling, Field studies, Rail transit stations, Routes and routing


Flexible carpooling can be defined as a system whereby morning carpools are formed at designated residential meeting places to travel to designated high-volume destinations. It is characterized by an absence of the trip-by-trip prearrangement found in other carpool formation systems. Flexible carpooling relies on a sufficient number of people arriving at the meeting place seeking rides and a sufficient number of drivers seeking riders. This project investigated and defined a flexible carpooling service to increase carpooling to transit stations. A field operating trial was designed for the Seattle region to test the concept. The report outlines the process followed in choosing the route, in part to clarify the reasons for choosing this route and in part to enable a similar process to be followed for evaluation of other routes in different locations.


Permission to link to the report has been given by Transportation Research Board, Washington, copyright remains with them.
