Transit Benefit Index: A Comprehensive Index for Capturing Externalities in Transit Planning

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date


Subject Area

place - south america, place - urban, mode - bus, mode - bus rapid transit, mode - car, planning - methods, planning - travel demand management, economics - subsidy, economics - capital costs


planning and analysis, public transportation, planning and development, general


This research provides a methodology for estimating the total societal benefit generated from substituting private vehicle trips with public transportation trips. The external costs of private and public transportation were estimated using a base case travel demand model and then a mode shift was simulated to calculate the effects of shifting one full transit unit (e.g., bus) of demand from a private to public mode. This shift was performed for all origin–destination (O-D) pairs in a region to find the O-D pairs that resulted in the greatest net benefit. These benefits were then normalized using the total automobile vehicle kilometers traveled removed from the network to generate a “transit benefit index.” This methodology was applied to a case study of the city of Bogotá, Colombia. A total of 102 scenarios were simulated: a 2 in base case, and 10 total sensitivity analyses, each including two transit provision alternatives. The results were contrasted with the cost of a new transit unit—a new bus in this case—revealing that the total economic benefit derived from 1 year of increased transit ridership was larger than the financial cost of a new bus to the transit operator. These results suggest that the City of Bogotá should consider further subsidies to transit fares to increase ridership and mitigate externalities.


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