
Submissions from 2019


Obtaining transit information from users of a collaborative transit app: Platform-based and individual-related motivators, Rumana Islam Sarker, Sigal Kaplan, Marie Karen Anderson, Sonja Haustein, Markus Mailer, and Harry J.P. Timmermans


Uber Economics: Evaluating the Monetary and Travel Time Trade-Offs of Transportation Network Companies and Transit Service in Chicago, Illinois, Joseph P. Schwieterman


The underlying effect of public transport reliability on users’ satisfaction, Jaime Soza-Parra, Sebastián Raveau, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Oded Cats


Operational planning of public transit with economic and environmental goals: application to the Minneapolis–St. Paul bus system, Bixuan Sun and Jeffrey Apland


The influence of regulatory environments on public transport service provision: A British case study, Peter White


Performance evaluation and obstacle factors analysis of urban public transport priority, Xiuxia Zhang, Qingnian Zhang, and Tingting Sun

Submissions from 2018


The Potential of Demand-Responsive Transport as a Complement to Public Transport: An Assessment Framework and an Empirical Evaluation, María J. Alonso-González, Theo Liu, Oded Cats, Niels Van Oort, and Serge Hoogendoorn


Automatic recognition of “low-quality” vehicles and bus stops in bus services, Benedetto Barabino


Urban Metro Rail Demand: Evidence from Dynamic Generalized Method of Moments Estimates using Panel Data, Shane Canavan, Daniel J. Graham, Richard J. Anderson, and Alexander Barron


Strategic Planning and Prospects of Rail-Bound Demand Responsive Transit, Oded Cats and Jesper Haverkamp


Minimizing the total costs of urban transit systems can reduce greenhouse gas emissions: The case of San Francisco, Han Cheng, Chao Mao, Samer Madanat, and Arpad Horvath


Investigating perception of captive and choice riders for formulating service standards of ordinary and premium buses in Indian cities, Munavar Fairooz Cheranchery and Bhargab Maitra


American Complete Streets and Australian SmartRoads: What Can We Learn from Each Other?, Alexa Delbosc, James Reynolds, Wesley Marshall, and Andrew Wall


Trading off costs, environmental impact, and levels of service in the optimal design of transit bus fleets, Pablo L. Durango-Cohen and Elaine C. McKenzie


Elevating access: Comparing accessibility to jobs by public transport for individuals with and without a physical disability, Emily Grisé, Geneviève Boisjoly, Meadhbh Maguire, and Ahmed El-Geneidy


The determinants of travel demand between rail stations: A direct transit demand model using multilevel analysis for the Washington D.C. Metrorail system, Hiroyuki Iseki, Chao Liu, and Gerrit Knaap


An incentive-based optimizing strategy of service frequency for an urban rail transit system, Changle Li, Jiao Ma, Tom H. Luan, Xun Zhou, and Lei Xiong


Is transport poverty socially or environmentally driven? Comparing the travel behaviours of two low-income populations living in central and peripheral locations in the same city, Karen Lucas, Ian Philips, Corinne Mulley, and Liang Ma


Transit in the 2000s: Where Does It Stand and Where Is It Headed?, Michael Manville, Brian D. Taylor, and Evelyn Blumenberg


Estimation of Passengers Left Behind by Trains in High-Frequency Transit Service Operating Near Capacity, Eli Miller, Gabriel E. Sánchez-Martínez, and Neema Nassir


Understanding Changes in Demographics, Preferences, and Markets for Public Transportation, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine


Real time transit demand prediction capturing station interactions and impact of special events, Peyman Noursalehi, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, and Jinhua Zhao


Level of service and the transit neighbourhood - Observations from Dublin city and suburbs, David O'Connor and Brian Caulfield


Trade-offs between headway, fare, and real-time bus information under different weather conditions, Md Matiur Rahman, Lina Kattan, and S. C. Wirasinghe


Train timetable design under elastic passenger demand, Tomáš Robenek, Shadi Sharif Azadeh, Yousef Maknoon, Matthieu de Lapparent, and Michel Bierlaire


Improved Mobility through Blurred Lines, Carol Schweiger


Differences in Control and Regulatory Structures of Public Transport within the United Kingdom and Ireland: Implications for Quality and Effectiveness of Service Delivery, Austin Smyth and Luke Kelleher


Transit-oriented autonomous vehicle operation with integrated demand-supply interaction, Jian Wen, Yu Xin Chen, Neema Nassir, and Jinhua Zhao


Cost of an urban rail ride: A nation-level analysis of ridership, capital costs and cost-effectiveness performance of urban rail transit projects in China, Jinbao Zhao, Chaosu Li, Ruhua Zhang, and Mathew Palmer


Modeling and optimizing urban bus transit considering headway variation for cost and service reliability analysis, Liuhui Zhao, Steven I. Chien, Lazar N. Spasovic, and Xiaobo Liu

Submissions from 2017


Is It Too Crowded in Here? In Search of Safety Standards for Pedestrian Congestion in Rail Stations, Justin D. Antos, Wendy Jia, and Jonathan H. Parker


A fuzzy-based multi-dimensional and multi-period service quality evaluation outline for rail transit systems, Nezir Aydin


The prospects of fare-free public transport: evidence from Tallinn, Oded Cats, Yusak O. Susilo, and Triin Reimal


Home-end and activity-end preferences for access to and egress from train stations in the Copenhagen region, Katrín Halldórsdóttir, Otto Anker Nielsen, and Carlo Giacomo Prato


The interplay of formal and informal institutions between local and regional authorities when creating well-functioning public transport systems, Robert Hrelja, Jason Monios, Tom Rye, Karolina Isaksson, and Christina Scholten


The role of information systems in non-routine transit use of university students: Evidence from Brazil and Denmark, Sigal Kaplan, Mayara Moraes Monteiro, Marie Karen Anderson, Otto Anker Nielsen, and Enilson Medeiros Dos Santos


Analysis of user satisfaction to promote public transportation: A pattern-recognition approach focusing on out-of-vehicle time, Sung Hoo Kim, Jin-Hyuk Chung, Sunyoung Park, and Keechoo Choi


An integrated framework for assessing service efficiency and stability of rail transit systems, Yung-Cheng Lai and Chi-Sang Ip


Accessibility measures for robustness of the transport system, Feixiong Liao and Bert van Wee


Comparing Automated Shared Taxis and Conventional Bus Transit for a Small City, Louis A. Merlin


Optimal bus transit route packaging in a privatized contracting regime, Ashish Nayan and David Z.W. Wang


Latent lifestyle and mode choice decisions when travelling short distances, Carlo Giacomo Prato, Katrín Halldórsdóttir, and Otto Anker Nielsen


Improving Bus Service Levels and social equity through bus frequency modelling, Maurici Ruiz, Joana Maria Segui-Pons, and Jaume Mateu-LLadó


Exploring the pedestrian level of interaction on platform conflict areas at metro stations by real-scale laboratory experiments, Sebastian Seriani, Taku Fujiyama, and Catherine Holloway


Optimizing train operational plan in an urban rail corridor based on the maximum headway function, Feng Shi, Shuo Zhao, Zhao Zhou, Pu Wang, and Michael G.H. Bell


Bus arrival time calculation model based on smart card data, Yuyang Zhou, Lin Yao, Yanyan Chen, Yi Gong, and Jianhui Lai

Submissions from 2016


Two-phase stochastic program for transit network design under demand uncertainty, Kun An and Hong K. Lo


Gender-Based Analysis of Zones of Tolerance for Transit Service Quality Considering Intelligent Transportation Systems, Farzad Arabikhan, Maria Nadia Postorino, Ariane Dupont-Kieffer, and Alexander Gegov


Level of service delivery of public transport and mode choice in Accra, Ghana, Dora Birago, Seth Opoku Mensah, and Somesh Sharma


Managing Planned Disruptions of Mass Transit Systems, Zoi Christoforou, Etienne Corbillé, Nadir Farhi, and Fabien Leurent


Reproducing Longitudinal In-Vehicle Traveler Experience and the Impact of a Service Reduction with Public Transit Smart Card Data, Ka Kee Alfred Chu and André Lomone


A historical overview of enhanced bus services in Australian cities: What has been tried, what has worked?, Geoffrey T. Clifton and Corinne Mulley


Methodology to determine service delivery levels for public transportation, Shreya Das and Debapratim Pandit


Operational Schedule Flexibility and Infrastructure Investment Capacity Trade-Off on Single-Track Railways, C. Tyler Dick and Darkhan Mussanov


Estimation of travel time variability for cars, buses, metro and door-to-door public transport trips in Santiago, Chile, Elsa Durán-Hormazábal and Alejandro Tirachini


Evaluating the impacts and benefits of public transport design and operational measures, Masoud Fadaei and Oded Cats


Determining the best performing benchmarks for transit routes with a multi-objective model: the implementation and a critique of the two-model approach, Samet Güner and Erman Coşkun


Assessing the usage and level-of-service of pedestrian facilities in train stations: A Swiss case study, Flurin S. Hänseler, Michel Bierlaire, and Riccardo Scarinci


Efficient contracting and incentive agreements between regulators and bus operators: The influence of risk preferences of contracting agents on contract choice, David A. Hensher, Chinh Ho, and Louise Knowles


Transit signal priority accommodating conflicting requests under Connected Vehicles technology, Jia Hu, Byungkyu Brian Park, and Young-Jae Lee


Synchronizing different transit lines at common stops considering travel time variability along the day, Omar J. Ibarra-Rojas and Juan Carlos Muñoz


Real-time prediction of bus travel speeds using traffic shockwaves and machine learning algorithms, Nikolas Julio, Ricardo Giesen, and Pedro Lizana


Measuring the influence of bus service quality on the perception of users, Moataz Mahmoud and Julian Hine


Passenger Perspectives in Railway Timetabling: A Literature Review, Jens Parbo, Otto Anker Nielsen, and Carlo Giacomo Prato


Understanding the determinants of demand for public transport: Evidence from suburban rail operations in five divisions of Indian Railways, Syed Rahman and Chandra Balijepalli


Increasing the Speed: Case Study from Santiago, Chile, Alejandro Schmidt, Juan Carlos Muñoz, Christopher Bucknell, Matías Navarro, and Carolina Simonetti


Passenger satisfaction evaluation model for Urban rail transit: A structural equation modeling based on partial least squares, Weiwei Shen, Weizhou Xiao, and Xin Wang


Hazard-Based Model for Estimation of Congestion Duration in Urban Rail Transit Considering Loss Minimization, Zhuangbin Shi, Ning Zhang, and Yunlong Zhang


Cross-Elasticities in Frequencies and Ridership for Urban Local Routes, Joseph Totten and David Levinson


Demand and service impacts of competition for the market – Australian urban bus case studies, Ian P. Wallis


Headway-based bus bunching prediction using transit smart card data, Haiyang Yu, Dongwei Chen, Zhihai Wu, Xiaolei Ma, and Yunpeng Wang

Submissions from 2015


Time of day intervals partition for bus schedule using GPS data, Yiming Bie, Xiaolin Gong, and Zhiyuan Liu


An Analysis of Commuter Rail Real-Time Information in Boston, Candace Brakewood, Francisca Rojas, P. Christopher Zegras, Kari Watkins, and Joshua Robin


Assessment of Transit Quality of Service with Occupancy Load Factor and Passenger Travel Time Measures, Jonathan M. Bunker


Performance of Australian Light Rail and Comparison with U. S. Trends, Graham Currie, Matthew Burke, and Alexa Delbosc


Spiral Plot Analysis of Variation in Perceptions of Urban Public Transport Performance Between International Cities, Graham Currie and Alexa Delbosc


Index numbers for monitoring transit service quality, Juan de Oña, Rocío de Oña, Laura Eboli, and Gabriella Mazzulla


Understanding Platform Overcrowding at Bus Rapid Transit Stations, Nicolae Duduta and Asis Subedi


A model of bus bunching under reliability-based passenger arrival patterns, Achille Fonzone, Jan-Dirk Schmöcker, and Ronghui Liu


Mode-Switching Behavior with the Provision of Real-Time Multimodal Traveler Information, Andreas Frei and Hongcheng Gan


Developing a Method for Assessing National Demand-Response Transit Level of Service, Ranjit P. Godavarthy, Jeremy Mattson, Del Peterson, and Jill Hough


Determining optimal frequency and vehicle capacity for public transit routes: A generalized newsvendor model, Avi Herbon and Yuval Hadas


Analysis of real-time control strategies in a corridor with multiple bus services, Daniel Hernández, Juan Carlos Muñoz, Ricardo Giesen, and Felipe Delgado


Development of Level-of-Service Criteria based on a Single Measure for BRT in China, Yueying Huo, Jinhua Zhao, Jian Zhang, and Feng Qiu


Regulation of public bus services: The Israeli experience, Yoram Ida and Gal Talit


An investigation on the performances of mode shift models in transit ridership forecasting, Ahmed Osman Idris, Khandker M. Nurul Habib, and Amer Shalaby


Optimizing dial-a-ride services in Maryland: Benefits of computerized routing and scheduling, Nikola Marković, Rahul Nair, Paul Schonfeld, Elise Miller-Hooks, and Matthew Mohebbi


A tool for measuring and visualizing connectivity of transit stop, route and transfer center in a multimodal transportation network, Sabyasachee Mishra, Timothy F. Welch, Paul M. Torrens, Cheng Fu, Haojie Zhu, and Eli Knaap


Level-Based Approach to Public Transport Network Planning, Hermann Orth, Andrew Nash, and Ulrich Weidmann


Quantifying the effects of driver non-compliance and communication system failure in the performance of real-time bus control strategies, William Phillips, Andrés del Rio, Juan Carlos Muñoz, Felipe Delgado, and Ricardo Giesen


Pedestrian traffic management of boarding and alighting in metro stations, Sebastian Seriani and Rodrigo Fernandez


Short-Term Prediction of Ridership on Public Transport with Smart Card Data, Niels van Oort, Ties Brands, and Erik de Romph


Long-Term Upgrade Strategy for Light Rail and Regional Rail Robust Methodological Approach, Stefan Walter and Martin Fellendorf


A bi-level programming for bus lane network design, Bin Yu, Lu Kong, Yao Sun, Baozhen Yao, and Ziyou Gao

Submissions from 2014


A simulation of transit bus emissions along an urban corridor: Evaluating changes under various service improvement strategies, Ahsan Alam, Ehab Diab, Ahmed M. El-Geneidy, and Marianne Hatzopoulou


Designing large-scale bus network with seasonal variations of demand, S M Mahdi Amiripour, Avishai (Avi) Ceder, and Afshin Shariat Mohaymany


Bus Rapid Transit versus Heavy Rail in suburban Sydney – Comparing successive iterations of a proposed heavy rail line project to the pre-existing BRT network, Geoffrey T. Clifton, Corinne Mulley, and David A. Hensher


Buses with High Level of Service in Nantes, France: Characteristics and Results of the BusWay Compared with Light Rail Transit, Emilio Conles, Margarita Novales, Alfonso Orro, and Javier Anta


Impact Analysis of Managerial Decisions on the Overall Performance of a Public Transport Operator: The Case of STCP, Álvaro Costa, Sebastian Ebert, and Teresa Stanislau


Assessing Bus Rapid Transit system performance in Australasia, Graham Currie and Alexa Delbosc