
Submissions from 2024


Mobility-as-a-Service and unsustainable travel behaviour: Exploring the car ownership and public transport trip replacement side-effects of the MaaS paradigm, Elena Alyavina, Alexandros Nikitas, and Eric Tchouamou Njoya


Two-stage procedure for transportation mode detection based on sighting data, Huey-Kuo Chen, Hsiao-Ching Ho, Luo-Yu Wu, Ian Lee, and Huey-Wen Chou


Travel behaviour of shared mobility users: a review of empirical evidence, Bin Chi, Hoon Han, and Jinwoo (Brian) Lee


A two-dimensional propensity score matching approach to estimating the treatment effect of urban rail transit lines on vehicle travel, Fangzhou Dai, Mi Diao, and Tien Foo Sing


What is the market potential for on-demand services as a train station access mode?, Nejc Geržinič, Oded Cats, Niels van Oort, Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser, and Serge Hoogendoorn


Impacts of transit-oriented development on car use over a 10-year period in Porto, Portugal: From macro- to micro-analysis, Anna Ibraeva, Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Correia, Cecilia Silva, and António Pais Antunes


Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on crowding aversion in public transport and transport mode choice: The case of Santiago, Chile, Vicente Iglesias and Sebastián Raveau


Impact of “light” bus rapid transit (BRT-light) on traffic and emissions in a travel corridor, Junsik Kim and Reid Ewing


Merging transport network companies and taxis in Curitiba’s BRT system, Rafael Milani Medeiros, Fábio Duarte, Iva Bojic, Yang Xu, Paolo Santi, and Carlo Ratti


The Multimodal Accessibility Target (MAT), Zachary Patterson, Aaron Bensmihen, and Gavin Hermanson


Post-COVID-19 campus commuting patterns and influential factors: evidence from a developing country, Ali Soltani, Mohammad Azmoodeh, Milad Doostvandi, Ahmad Sheikh Ahmadi, and Mohammad Rahimi


The Road Less Traveled: Does Rail Transit Matter?, Tao Tao, Jason Cao, and Xinyi Wu


Using different transport modes: An opportunity to reduce UK passenger transport emissions?, Hugh Thomas and André Cabrera Serrenho


Effects of risky bus driving behaviors on motorcyclists’ and car drivers’ traffic safety perceptions in mixed traffic flow, Vu Van-Huy, Nguyen Hoang-Tung, and Hisashi Kubota


Strategies to mitigate safety and associated problems at gated rail road grade crossing: A structural equation modelling approach, Adheesh Kumar Vivek, Somya Gupta, Tathagatha Khan, and Smruti Sourava Mohapatra


A latent class analysis to understand riders’ adoption of on-demand mobility services as a complement to transit, Yiyuan Wang and Qing Shen


Rethinking bus ridership dynamics: Examining nonlinear effects of determinants on bus ridership changes using city-level panel data from 2010 to 2019, Chengcheng Yu, Wentao Dong, Yunhao Liu, Chao Yang, and Quan Yuan


The relationship between the degree of ethnic enclaves and travel mode choices, Seungil Yum


Competitiveness of public transit considering travel time reliability: A case study for commuter trips in Hangzhou, China, Guozheng Zhang, Dianhai Wang, Zhengyi Cai, and Jiaqi Zeng

Submissions from 2023


Transportation modes and social participation in older drivers and non-drivers: Results from urbanised Japanese cities, Takumi Abe, Satoshi Seino, Toshiki Hata, Mari Yamashita, Nobuaki Ohmori, Akihiko Kitamura, Shoji Shinkai, and Yoshinori Fujiwara


A Qualitative Assessment of the Multimodal Passenger Transportation System Response to COVID-19 in New York City, Luis Abreu and Alison Conway


Low-emission zones, modes of transport and house prices: evidence from Berlin’s commuter belt, Eren Aydin and Kathleen Kürschner Rauck


Bike share and user motivation: exploring trip substitution choices among bike share users in a North American city, Hugh Bartling


Toward a reduction of car-based leisure travel: An analysis of determinants and potential measures, Anne Baumgertner, Iljana Schubert, Annika Sohre, Uros Tomic, Corinne Moser, and Paul Burger


Multimodal Intersection Signal Timing Considerations Framework, Performance Measures, and Case Study, Burak Cesme, Andrew Hayes, Shuchun Wang, Shannon Warchol, Alice Root, Kush Bhagat, and Nagui Rouphail


Incorporating bus delay minimization in design of signal progression for arterials accommodating heavy mixed-traffic flows, Yen-Hsiang Chen, Yao Cheng, and Gang-Len Chang


Explaining US travel behavior with perceived threat of pandemic, consumer sentiment, and economic policy uncertainty, Junwook Chi


Future scenarios for the European railway sector: A methodology based on past trends and a stated preference survey, Rubén Cordera, Roberto Sañudo, Eneko Echániz, Soledad Nogués, and Luigi dell’Olio


Street and activity centre characteristics associated with the use of different transport modes, Chris De Gruyter, Long T. Truong, Seyed Mojib Zahraee, and William Young


Transit and Active Transportation Use for Non-Commute Travel Among Portland Transit-Oriented Development Residents, Jennifer Dill and Nathan McNeil


The influence of job accessibility on individual labor income: Evidence for the City of Recife, Brazil, Leandro Batista Duarte, Raul da Mota Silveira Neto, and Diego Firmino Costa da Silva


Travel behavior changes due to life events: Longitudinal evidence from Dutch couple households, Lie Gao, Sylvia Y. He, Dick Ettema, and Marco Helbich


A data fusion approach with mobile phone data for updating travel survey-based mode split estimates, Eduardo Graells-Garrido, Daniela Opitz, Francisco Rowe, and Jacqueline Arriagada


The last mile matters: Impact of dockless bike-sharing services on traffic congestion, Ganxiang Huang and Di Xu


A path-based incentive scheme toward de-carbonized trips in a bi-modal traffic network, Xiao Hu, Xiangdong Chen, Xi Lin, and Meng Li


Optimal electric bus fleet scheduling for a route with charging facility sharing, Jinhua Ji, Yiming Bie, and Linhong Wang


Perspectives on e-scooters use: A multi-year cross-sectional approach to understanding e-scooter travel behavior in Portland, Oregon, Minju Kim, Nicholas Puczkowskyj, John MacArthur, and Jennifer Dill


Non-linear impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on human mobility: Lessons from its variations across three pandemic waves, Suji Kim, Kitae Jang, and Jiho Yeo


Evaluating the public acceptance of sustainable mobility interventions responding to Covid-19: The case of the Great Walk of Athens and the importance of citizen engagement, Charalampos Kyriakidis, Ioannis Chatziioannou, Filippos Iliadis, Alexandros Nikitas, and Efthimios Bakogiannis


Understanding individual-level travel behavior changes due to COVID-19: Trip frequency, trip regularity, and trip distance, Sujin Lee, Eunjeong Ko, Kitae Jang, and Suji Kim


A novel one-stage approach for pointwise transportation mode identification inspired by point cloud processing, Rongsong Li, Zi Yang, Xin Pei, Yun Yue, Shaocheng Jia, Chunyang Han, and Zhengbing He


Sustainable transport choices in public transit access: Travel behavior differences between university students and other young adults, Chang Liu, Eleni Bardaka, and Evangelos Paschalidis


Multi-scale urban passenger transportation CO2 emission calculation platform for smart mobility management, Jia`nmiao Liu, Junyi Li, Yong Chen, Song Lian, Jiaqi Zeng, Maosi Geng, Sijing Zheng, Yinan Dong, Yan He, Pei Huang, Zhijian Zhao, Xiaoyu Yan, Qinru Hu, Lei Wang, Di Yang, Zheng Zhu, Yilin Sun, Wenlong Shang, Dianhai Wang, Lei Zhang, and Xiqun (Michael) Chen


Dynamic Bus Lanes Versus Exclusive Bus Lanes: Comprehensive Comparative Analysis of Urban Corridor Performance, Kareem Othman, Amer Shalaby, and Baher Abdulhai


Shifted out: The well-being and justice implications of evening and night commuting, Matthew Palm, Jeff Allen, and Steven Farber


Transit Benefit Index: A Comprehensive Index for Capturing Externalities in Transit Planning, Rudi Alexander Rendel and Chris Bachmann


Integrated Mobility Hub Location Selection for Sustainable Urban Mobility, Jaehyun (Jason) So, Munhyun Chae, Jiho Hong, Juhyoun Youm, Sang Hyun Kim, and Jinhee Kim


Comparing travel behaviour characteristics and correlates between large and small Kenyan cities (Nairobi versus Kisumu), Lambed Tatah, Louise Foley, Tolu Oni, Matthew Pearce, Charles Lwanga, Vincent Were, Felix Assah, Yves Wasnyo, Ebele Mogo, Gabriel Okello, Stephen Mogere, Charles Obonyo, and James Woodcock


Environmental sustainability or equity in welfare? Analysing passenger flows of a mass rapid transit system with heterogeneous demand, Varun Varghese, Md. Moniruzzaman, and Makoto Chikaraishi


Effect of rail transit on travel behavior: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Jingjing Wang, Weibin Cheng, Yi Lu, and Donggen Wang


Influence of a new rail transit line on travel behavior: Evidence from repeated cross-sectional surveys in Hong Kong, Jingjing Wang, Yi Lu, Yiyang Yang, Jiandong Peng, Ye Liu, and Linchuan Yang


What travel modes do shared e-scooters displace? A review of recent research findings, Kailai Wang, Xiaodong Qian, Dillon Taylor Fitch, Yongsung Lee, Jai Malik, and Giovanni Circella


Graph Supported Mode Detection within Mobile Phone Data Trajectories, Thomas Wischer, Michael Cik, and Martin Fellendorf


Development and Evaluation of Connected-Vehicle-Enabled Optimal Dynamic Path Planning with Bus Stops, Hao Yang and Kentaro Oguchi


Impact of corridor highway system on communities: Built environment and travel mode choices, Wookjae Yang, Guang Tian, and Reid Ewing


Transit-oriented development and floor area ratio regulation in a transportation corridor: Formulation and a case study, De-Ping Yu, Zhi-Chun Li, Baoli Liu, and Duy Quy Nguyen-Phuoc


Decentralized signal control for multi-modal traffic network: A deep reinforcement learning approach, Jiajie Yu, Pierre-Antoine Laharotte, Yu Han, and Ludovic Leclercq


Trajectory-as-a-Sequence: A novel travel mode identification framework, Jiaqi Zeng, Yi Yu, Yong Chen, Di Yang, Lei Zhang, and Dianhai Wang


Mode substitution and carbon emission impacts of electric bike sharing systems, Yaoming Zhou, Yuanxin Yu, Yiming Wang, Baojie He, and Linchuan Yang


How is commute mode choice related to built environment in a high-density urban context?, Pengyu Zhu, Kailai Wang, Shuk-Nuen (Rita) Ho, and Xinying Tan

Submissions from 2022


Improved driver behaviour at bus stops on local roads: Comparison of different treatments, Mustafa Almallah, Qinaat Hussain, Shabna SayedMohammed, and Wael K.M. Alhajyaseen


Modeling car ownership and use in a developing country context with informal public transportation, Lara Al Otary, Maya Abou-Zeid, and Isam Kaysi


Transport mode preferences of university students in post-COVID-19 pandemic, Muhammed Emin Cihangir Bagdatli and Fatima Ipek


Passively wait for gridlock, or proactively invest in service? Strategies to promote car-to-transit switches among aspirational urbanites in rapidly developing contexts, Sandip Chakrabarti


Passenger-oriented traffic management integrating perimeter control and regional bus service frequency setting using 3D-pMFD, Saifei Chen, Hui Fu, Naiqi Wu, Yefei Wang, and Yan Qiao


Network-level control of heterogeneous automated traffic guaranteeing bus priority, Xiangdong Chen, Xi Lin, Meng Li, and Fang He


The impact of new metro on travel behavior: Panel analysis using mobile phone data, Yiling Deng and Pengjun Zhao


Modeling the capacity of multimodal and intermodal urban transportation networks that incorporate emerging travel modes, Muqing Du, Jiankun Zhou, Anthony Chen, and Heqing Tan


Inertia effects of past behavior in commuting modal shift behavior: interactions, variations and implications for demand estimation, Kun Gao, Minhua Shao, Kay W. Axhausen, Lijun Sun, Huizhao Tu, and Yihong Wang


Revealing transport inequality from an activity space perspective: A study based on human mobility data, Qi-Li Gao, Yang Yue, Chen Zhong, Jinzhou Cao, Wei Tu, and Qing-Quan Li


Analysis of park and ride mode choice behavior under multimodal travel information service, Yue Huang, Hongcheng Gan, Peng Jing, and Xinyu Wang


A system-optimum approach for bus lanes dynamically activated by road traffic, Aikaterini Kampouri, Ioannis Politis, and Georgios Georgiadis


Effects of open access competition on prices and frequencies on the interurban railway market: Evidence from Europe, Florent Laroche and Ayana Lamatkhanova


Optimal pricing and investment in a multi-modal city — Introducing a macroscopic network design problem based on the MFD, Allister Loder, Michiel C.J. Bliemer, and Kay W. Axhausen


Investigating factors affecting university students' use of subway before and after COVID-19 outbreak: A case study in Tehran, Seyedeh Sara Maljaee and Melody Khadem Sameni


Urban transport energy demand model for Riyadh: methodology and a preliminary analysis, Abu Toasin Oakil, AHM Mehbub Anwar, Alma Alhussaini, Nourah Al Hosain, Abdelrahman Muhsen, and Anvita Arora


Choice of transport in urban and periurban zones in metropolitan area, Saúl A. Obregón-Biosca


Operation performance of tram lanes with intermittent priority with the coexistence of regular and automatic vehicles, Dongxiu Ou, Ran Liu, Iftikhar Rasheed, Lijuan Shi, and Hongming Li


Does the joint implementation of hard and soft transportation policies lead to travel behavior change? An experimental analysis, Francesco Piras, Eleonora Sottile, Giovanni Tuveri, and Italo Meloni


Environmental impact assessment of bike-sharing considering the modal shift from public transit, Kateryna Saltykova, Xiaolei Ma, Liliang Yao, and Hui Kong


Occupancy and GHG emissions: thresholds for disruptive transportation modes and emerging technologies, Anastasia Soukhov and Moataz Mohamed


An analysis of commute mode choice behavior considering the impacts of built environment in Beijing, Zhaohui Wang, Yang Yang, Enjian Yao, Yuting Zhu, and Zonghao Rao


Meta-analysis of price elasticities of travel demand in great britain: Update and extension, Mark Wardman


A spatiotemporal analysis of transit accessibility to low-wage jobs in Miami-Dade County, Xiang Yan, Ilir Bajleri, and Liang Zhai


Can bicycle sharing mitigate vehicle emission in Chinese large cities? Estimation based on mode shift analysis, Yi Zhu

Submissions from 2021


Preferences of urban rail users for first- and last-mile autonomous vehicles: Price and service elasticities of demand in a multimodal environment, Ryosuke Abe


Optimization of dedicated bus lane location on a transportation network while accounting for traffic dynamics, Murat Bayrak and S. Ilgin Guler


Analysis and monitoring of post-COVID mobility demand in Rome resulting from the adoption of sustainable mobility measures, Stefano Carrese, Ernesto Cipriani, Chiara Colombaroni, Umberto Crisalli, Gaetano Fusco, Andrea Gemma, Natalia Isaenko, Livia Mannini, Marco Petrelli, Vito Busillo, and Stefano Saracchi


Car ownership and commuting mode of the “original” residents in a high-density city center: A case study in Shanghai, Tao Chen, Haixiao Pan, and Yanbo Ge


Simulation-based joint optimization framework for congestion mitigation in multimodal urban network: a macroscopic approach, Takao Dantsuji, Daisuke Fukuda, and Nan Zheng


The Influence of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Mobility Patterns: The First Wave’s Results, Ali Enes Dingil and Domokos Esztergár-Kiss


Hybrid pedestrian and transit priority zoning policies in an urban street network: Evaluating network traffic flow impacts with analytical approximation, Nicholas Fournier


Train-feeder modes in Italy. Is there a role for active mobility?, Marco Giansoldati, Romeo Danielis, and Lucia Rotaris


Impact of public transport strikes on traffic and pollution in the city of Barcelona, Lyna González, Jordi Perdiguero, and Àlex Sanz


Profit optimization of public transit operators: examining both interior and boundary solutions, Ren-Yong Guo and W. Y. Szeto


An integrated intersection design for promoting bus and car traffic, Weihua Gu, Yu Mei, Haoyu Chen, Yiguang Xuan, and Xiaochun Luo


Longitudinal macro-analysis of car-use changes resulting from a TOD-type project: The case of Metro do Porto (Portugal), Anna Ibraeva, Bert Van Wee, Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Correia, and António Pais Antunes


Will modal shift occur from subway to other modes of transportation in the post-corona world in developing countries?, Melody Khadem Sameni, Amine Barzegar Tilenoie, and Niloofar Dini


Public transport fare elasticities from smartcard data: Evidence from a natural experiment, Yaroslav Kholodov, Erik Jenelius, Oded Cats, Niels van Oort, Niek Mouter, Matej Cebecauer, and Alex Vermeulen


Examining the Effects of the Built Environment on Travel Mode Choice across Different Age Groups in Seoul using a Random Forest Method, Kyusik Kim, Kyusang Kwon, and Mark W. Horner